Citizen’s Budget Task Force Report to City Council CITY OF SAN LEANDRO Presented At City Council Work Session February 8, 2010 ???????
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<br />CITIZEN’S BUDGET TASK FORCE MEMBERS Mike Fitzgerald, Spokesman Johanne Dictor Tom Dlugosh Vic Entrikin Patrick Grajeda Surlene Grant Edras Gustin Benny Lee Bob Leigh Tom Overton Dale
<br />Reed Kathy Sanchez Mike Sobek
<br />
<br />City of San LeandroCitizens’ Budget Task Force Report to City CouncilFebruary 8, 20101
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<br />Overview•Revisit Budget Task Force Goals and Objectives–Education–Priorities–Ideas and Comments•Results of Budget Task Force Efforts–Personal Values–Ranking and prioritization of City
<br />Services–Ideas and Comments for City Council 2
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<br />Budget Task Force Goals & Objectives•Goal –Education:–Objective: a working understanding of City fund structure, finances and financial challenges•Goal –Priorities:–Objective: “deliverables”
<br />indicating the Budget Task Force’s ranking and prioritization of services and programs•Goal –Budget Task Force Ideas/Comments:–Objective: identify and communicate to the City Council
<br />ideas and comments of the Task Force members, individually or collectively3
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<br />Personal Values1.What about San Leandro do you take pride in and/or value?–Diversity and sense of community–History–Geographic setting and climate–Cleanliness and appearance of City–Transportation
<br />access–Accessibility to public servants and elected officials5
<br />
<br />Personal Values (cont.)2.Why do you choose to live here?–The people and neighbors; diversity–Location, convenience, feels like home–Quality of Life –businesses, schools, work–Community
<br />is civic-minded–Climate and geographic amenities–Resources –BART, easy access, possible ferry, services and products, library6
<br />
<br />Personal Values (cont.)3.Who is missing from the table?(i.e. who should we remember when we are making suggestions for change)–Youth, children, young adults just starting out–Schools,
<br />school boards and districts–Non-profit and community based programs–Residents with limited English, low-mod income, disabled–Merchants–Other comparable cities successful with reducing
<br />expenditures and increasing revenues–Group is well represented; nothing is missing7
<br />
<br />Ranking & Prioritization-Survey 1•Survey 1 –City Functions–Task Force Members ranked 34 City Functions from 1 through 34 with “1” being most important–Dot exercise: Task Force Members
<br />were given 20 dots to “spend” however they wanted to when reviewing the 34 City Functions by posting their dots on the functions they believed are most important8
<br />
<br />Survey 1Ranking Exercise1 thru 349
<br />
<br />1031.731.128.628.426. computer
<br />trng classes/adult literacy svcsLIB-Free access to proprietary/educational databasesLIB-Ops of Library Café/Casa Peralta/History Museum etc.REC-Community-wide cultural/educational/special
<br />eventsREC-Coordination of non-profits grant fundingREC-Coordination for quality of life enhancementsREC-Operation of community meeting facilityCC-Public records retrieval/mtg notification/electionsCD
<br />Housing services-safe/affordable housingPW-Shoreline services-Marina/Golf/MarshlandsLIB-Coordination between library/schools/communityET-Land use review/surveying/mapping/trafficREC-Recreational
<br />facilities-3 pools/community ctrs/parksREC-Community safety/health & recreation programsET-Engineering services-pavement/sidewalk/CIPFIN-Management of treasury & investment fundsPW-Traffic
<br />signal maintenance/street lightsFD-Disaster emergency preparedness/preparedness/search & rescuePW-Graffiti & litter removal/street tree maintenanceLIB-Library operations-Main & 3 branchesPD-Crime
<br />prevention/community educationPW-Park maintenance servicesPW-Building maintenance/repair PW-Equipment maintenance/repair fleet/equipmentBD-Business development servicesPW-Water Pollution
<br />Control ops/maintenanceCD-Building & safety services/Zoning CompliancePW-Street maintenance/repair/sweepingPD-Police records and 9-1-1 dispatchCD-City Planning services permit/review/coordinationPD-T
<br />ctical services targeting "crime area problems"PD-Criminal investigations/evidence and identificationFD-Emergency services fire/medical (paramedic)PD-Patrol services/emergencies/K-9
<br />Unit/SWATSUMMARY OF RANKINGS WHERE "1" IS MOST IMPORTANTCITY FUNCTIONSummary of Ranking Exercise Based on "1" being Most Important
<br />
<br />Survey 1 Dot Exercise (20)11
<br />
<br />1200000011122335556677789999911111214152428051015202530CD-Housing Services/safe&affordableREC-Comm.-wide cultural/special eventsLIB-Operation of library ancillary svcsREC-Coordination
<br />non-profits grant fundingLIB-Free access to databasesLIB-Computer trng/adult literacy classesET-Land use review/survey/mappingCC-Public records/mtg notices/electionsLIB-Coord. w/library/schools/commu
<br />ityPW-Shoreline svcs-Marina/Golf/MarshlandsREC-Operation of community meeting facilityET-Engineering srvs-pavement/sidewalk/CIPREC-Community safety/health/rec programsCD-Building & safety
<br />svs/Zoning ComplianceREC-Coordination for quality of life in SLFIN-Mgmt of treasury & investment fundsCD-City Planning svs permit/review/coord.PW-Equipment maintenance/repair REC-Rec
<br />facilitiesPW-Traffic signal maintPW-Building maint/repairPD-Records/9-1-1PW-WPCPPW-Street maint/repairPW-Park maint.PD-Criminal investigationsPD-Crime preventionPW-Graffiti/litter removal/treesFD-Eme
<br />gency PreparednessLIB-Library opsBD-Business development PD-Tactical servicesFD-Fire Emergency servicesPD-Patrol servicesNUMBER OF DOTS RECORDEDCITY FUNCTIONSummary of Dot Exercise -Based
<br />on the Number of Dots Recorded by Function
<br />
<br />Survey 1 ComparisonRanking vs.Dot Exercise (20)13
<br />
<br />14CITY FUNCTIONS -1 thru 34 Ranking–Top 16Ranking# of DotsDots RankedCITY FUNCTIONS -Dot Exercise–Top 1631. Patrol services such as first responders to emergencies, suspicious activities,
<br />non-emergency police services, K-9 Unit, SWAT team and Hostage Negotiators1.928131. Patrol services such as first responders to emergencies, suspicious activities, non-emergency police
<br />services, K-9 Unit, SWAT team and Hostage Negotiators5. Emergency services for fire and medical (paramedic) response3.32425. Emergency services for fire and medical (paramedic) response15.
<br />Criminal investigations for Juvenile, Vice/Narcotics, Property Crimes, High-Tech/Financial crimes, crimes against persons/property, evidence/ID6.815320. Tactical services targeting "crime
<br />area problems", robbery suppression and minors purchasing alcohol programs20. Tactical services targeting "crime area problems", robbery suppression and minors purchasing alcohol programs7.11447.
<br />Business development services including retention, attraction /expansion efforts and coordination with Chamber of Commerce10. City Planning services including permit processing, reviewing
<br />development plans, industrial plans,& coordination w/other agencies9.812514. Library operations of Main Library and 3 branch libraries28. Police records & communication services including
<br />fingerprinting & 9-1-1 dispatch11.111626. Local/regional disaster emergency preparedness/response & search/rescue24. Street maintenance and repair, street markings, street sweeping11.311630.
<br />Graffiti abatement, litter removal, street tree maintenance and community standards services1. Building and safety services including Zoning Compliance12.1973. Crime prevention/community
<br />education training, such as Neighborhood Watch12. Water Pollution Control operations and maintenance for waste water disposal, laboratory services, and environmental services12.397Water
<br />Pollution Control operations and maintenance for waste water disposal, laboratory services, and environmental services7. Business development services including retention, attraction
<br />and expansion efforts and coordination with Chamber of Commerce12.59715. Criminal investigations for Juvenile, Vice/Narcotics, Property Crimes, High-Tech/Financial crimes, crimes against
<br />persons/property, evidence & identification18. Equipment maintenance and repair of City fleet & equipment12.69722. Park maintenance services for 17 parks' amenities, irrigation, graffiti
<br />removal, landscape care, bay trail & civic plaza27. Building maintenance and repair including 5 fire stations, 4 libraries, community center, civic buildings, Marina harbormaster, three
<br />City pools, and park restrooms12.89724. Street maintenance and repair, street markings, street sweeping22. Park maintenance services for 17 parks' amenities, irrigation, graffiti removal,
<br />landscape care, bay trail & civic plaza13.18828. Police records & communication services including fingerprinting & 9-1-1 dispatch3. Crime prevention/community education training, such
<br />as Neighborhood Watch13.4798. Traffic signal maintenance, street lights, and parking meter maintenance14. Library operations of the Main Library and three branch libraries14.17911. Recreational
<br />facilities for 3 swimming pools, community centers and parks, including reservation of facilities30. Graffiti abatement, litter removal, street tree maintenance and community standards
<br />services14.27927. Building maintenance/repair : 5 fire stations, 4 libraries, community ctr, civic bldgs, Marina harbormaster, 3 City pools, park restrooms
<br />
<br />Ranking & Prioritization-Survey 2•Survey 2 –Description–Budget Task Force Members rated 43 City services from High Importance “7” to Low Importance “1” and rated satisfaction of these
<br />43 services from Highly Satisfied “7” to Least Satisfied “1” or “N” for no opinion•Survey 2 –Ranked Responses–The following services were ranked “Very Important” and “Very Satisfied”•Police
<br />patrol and crime fighting•Clean streets, parks and improved neighborhoods•Maintain disaster preparedness/fire prevention15
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<br />Final Committee Feedback•City Council needs to decide and focus on the City’s Core Services•City Council should support these Core Services with the funds available•Short-term and Long-term
<br />plans must be developed•Determine plan of action if the sales tax increase is not approved•If sales tax increase is approved, then would prefer a Citizen Oversight Committee be created
<br />to advise on how the new revenues will be spent16
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<br />QUESTIONS?17
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<br />Appendix A Survey 1 City of San LeandroBudget Task ForceRanking ExerciseDirections: Rank the following City services from 1 through 34, with "1" being the most importantCITY FUNCTIONSRANK1Building
<br />and safety services including Zoning Compliance2Professional engineering services for pavement, sidewalk, CIP and public improvements3Crime prevention and community education training,
<br />such as Neighborhood Watch4Housing services for safe and affordable housing throughout the city5Emergency services for fire and medical (paramedic) response6Coordination with non-profit
<br />agencies, churches, school districts and businesses for quality of life enhancements in the community, such as school/city joint use and funding of social services.7Business development
<br />services including retention, attraction and expansion efforts and coordination with Chamber of Commerce8Traffic signal maintenance, street lights, and parking meter maintenance9Shoreline
<br />services including Marina operations and maintenance, Monarch Bay Golf Club, and and Marshlands10City Planning services including permit processing, reviewing development plans, industrial
<br />plans, & coordination with other agencies11Recreational facilities for 3 swimming pools, community centers and parks, including reservation of facilities12Water Pollution Control operations
<br />and maintenance for waste water disposal, laboratory services, and environmental services13Management of treasury and investment funds14Library operations of the Main Library and three
<br />branch libraries15Criminal investigations for Juvenile, Vice/Narcotics, Property Crimes, High-Tech/Financial crimes, crimes against persons and property, evidence and identification16Land
<br />use review and direction including surveying, mapping, traffic, and transportation services17Community safety, health and recreation programs for children, teens and seniors18Equipment
<br />maintenance and repair of City fleet & equipment19Community-wide cultural and educational programs and special events20Tactical services targeting "crime area problems", robbery suppression
<br />and minors purchasing alcohol programs21Operation of Library Café, Casa Peralta, History Museum, Art Gallery and Community Theatre22Park maintenance services for 17 parks' amenities,
<br />irrigation, graffiti removal, landscape care, bay trail & civic plaza23Public records retrieval; meeting notification and elections24Street maintenance and repair, street markings, street
<br />sweeping25Coordination between library, schools & community; library programs for children, teens and 26Local and regional disaster emergency preparedness, response and search and rescue27Building
<br />maintenance and repair including 5 fire stations, 4 libraries, community center, civic buildings, Marina harbormaster, three City pools, and park restrooms28Police records and communication
<br />services including fingerprinting and 9-1-1 dispatch29Coordination of Grant funding for San Leandro social service non-profits30Graffiti abatement, litter removal, street tree maintenance
<br />and community standards services31Patrol services such as first responders to emergencies, suspicious activities, non-emergency police services, K-9 Unit, SWAT team and Hostage Negotiators32Free
<br />access to proprietary and educational databases33Operation of community meeting facility34Provide computer training classes and adult literacy services Page 1 of 1
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<br />Appendix A Survey 2 PRIORITIES FOR CITY SERVICESHighLowHighLow1.Community Services/Developmenta.Responding to citizen complaints about code violations7654321N7654321N like illegal housing
<br />additions or junk vehiclesb.Providing school crossing guard services7654321N7654321Nc.Promoting affordable housing for all City residents7654321N7654321Nd.Providing School Resource officer
<br />services7654321N7654321NePromoting affordable housing for senior citizens7654321N7654321Nf.Continue community education on crime prevention7654321N7654321N2.Firea.Fire prevention through
<br />public education and safety 7654321N7654321N inspectionsbPreparing for disasters, such as earthquakes7654321N7654321N3.Parks and Community Servicesa.Providing youth and adult safety,
<br />health & recreation7654321N7654321N programsb.Operating community centers7654321N7654321Nc.Ensuring clean and well-maintained parks and park7654321N7654321N facilitiesd.Developing new
<br />parks/Enhancing existing parks7654321N7654321Ne.Providing services for residents in need, such as 7654321N7654321N support for local food banks, help to battered women, and crisis hot
<br />linesf.Preserving open spaces and natural areas for people,7654321N7654321N birds, and animalsg.City tree trimming services and responsiveness7654321N7654321Nh.Operating three community
<br />swimming pools7654321N7654321Ni.Providing senior services and programs7654321N7654321N4.Planning, Neighborhoods, and Economic Developmenta.Managing development to maintain community
<br />values7654321N7654321Nb.Promoting jobs and economic development7654321N7654321Nc.Making it easier to get information about City 7654321N7654321N services and programsd.Building neighborhood
<br />improvements, such as7654321N7654321N sidewalks, crosswalks, and mini-parkse.Supporting performing arts, like theater, music, and 7654321N7654321N dancef.Enhancing public spaces 7654321N7654321Ng.Pro
<br />iding outreach and programs to give 7654321N7654321N neighborhoods better access to City servicesThe following section lists specific services provided by the City. Please rate how important
<br />it is that the City provide each of these services. Than rate how satisfied you are with how well the City has provided that service.On each scale, 7 is the highest rating (extremely
<br />important/completely satisfied) and 1 is the lowest (not at all important/not at all satisfied). If you have no opinion on a specific statement, select N. Remember to circle an answer,
<br />both for importance and for satisfaction, for each specific service statement.ImportanceSatisfaction 1 of 2
<br />
<br />Appendix A Survey 2 HighLowHighLowImportanceSatisfaction5.Policea.Community policing, such as bike patrols and 7654321N7654321N neighborhood police officersb.Reducing traffic accidents
<br />through enforcing traffic7654321N7654321N lawsc.Investigating and solving crimes7654321N7654321Nd.Teaching drug abuse resistance and gang resistance 7654321N7654321N to studentse.Maintaining
<br />SWAT team capabilities7654321N7654321Nf. Maintaining K-9 Unit capabilities7654321N7654321Ng. Maintaining Tactical Unit officer services7654321N7654321N6.Transportation a.Maintaining
<br />existing streets and sidewalks7654321N7654321Nb.Improving streets and intersections7654321N7654321Nc.Making improvements for pedestrians and bicyclists7654321N7654321Nd.Reducing traffic
<br />problems in residential neighborhoods7654321N7654321Ne.Keeping streets clean7654321N7654321Nf.Maintaining street lights and traffic signals7654321N7654321N7.Library Servicesa.Educational/cultural
<br />programs for children, teens & adults7654321N7654321Nb.Community computer training training classes7654321N7654321Nc.Adult literacy services7654321N7654321N8.Other Servicesa.Televising
<br />City information and programs on Cable TV7654321N7654321Nb.Environmental Services7654321N7654321Nc.Public relations and outreach7654321N7654321N9.Thinking about the City of San Leandro
<br />services, do you feel you are getting your money's worth for your tax dollar or not? Yes, getting money's worth No, not getting money's worthDon't Know10.You support City services through
<br />a portion of property, sales, and other taxes. Considering all City services on the one hand, and taxes on the other, which of the following statements comes closest to your view? Decrease
<br />services & taxes Keep taxes and services about where they areIncrease services and raise taxes11.If you feel services should be decreased, which services should be decreased?12.If you
<br />feel services should be increased, which services should be increased? 2 of 2
<br />
<br />APPENDIX B IDEAS AND COMMENTS 1 of 2 Revenues and Expenditures • Evaluate short-term and long-term timelines • Concern that reductions in some programs may also reduce revenues to the
<br />City • Reductions must include top management; careful consideration for future hiring and organizational cuts • Cost control measures must be in place, especially for pensions & benefits
<br />• Careful consideration that any revenue measure is sufficient; loss of credibility if the City comes back for more taxes; public confidence is important • Suggest review salaries, benefits
<br />& pensions for the future • Not opposed to tax increase, concern about over commit to projects with long term financial & community impacts • Immediately freeze all hiring indefinitely
<br />and not to be lifted without Council approval • Not allow more than 10 hours of overtime in a month without specific department head approval • Reduce all department budgets by 10% for
<br />FY 2009-10 • Reduce all department budgets by 5% for FY 2010-11 • Stop paying new employee’s share of benefit package immediately • Cease hiring outside consultants; maximize effort
<br />to perform all work in-house • Step up effort to collect unpaid taxes and fees Economic Development • Downtown development must be priority to attract shoppers • Work harder to attract
<br />good businesses to downtown • Marina development important potential revenue source • Marina appears to be “money pit” • Perception of affordable housing-impression is that it may decrease
<br />property values and promote renting rather than home ownership • Business development efforts should increase; vital to City’s budget and the community’s future
<br />
<br />APPENDIX B IDEAS AND COMMENTS 2 of 2 City Services • City staff should handle public relations not consultants; increase public relations/outreach to keep citizens informed • Increase
<br />awareness of City services/events/meetings • Department service levels should not decrease, currently cannot provide adequate services • Do whatever it takes to maintain core services
<br />and responsibilities of the City • Increase police officers; in line with national average; number of police and public safety is adequate • Infrastructure falling apart, would like
<br />increase in services & maintenance; perhaps increase fees for City services • Increased enforcement of residential building codes, pet control, home addition inspections and permits
<br />• Delay opening Senior center for 6months • Close two small libraries • Maximize use of volunteers as per library and recreation departments • Make better use of Home Owner’s Associations
<br />for communication to public Other • Marina is a gem; Bay Trail is a treasure • Future ferry service and other transit issues would be great in the future; perhaps a transit commission
<br />• Golf Course should be self-sustaining
<br />
<br />APPENDIX C INDIVIDUAL COMMENTS 1 of 2 Core Services • The City needs to define its core requirements and responsibilities, and fund with the revenues it receives • May not reach consensus
<br />and determine what the core services are…can the politicians make the tough decisions? • Use the information the task force provided for City Council to decide on core services • What
<br />services does the City Council want to fund given the budget crisis – “core” services • I support core services and forego “luxuries” for now Revenue-Expenditure Related • City needs
<br />to live within its means • What’s “Plan B” if the citizens do not support an increase in tax? • Make sure there are enough cuts and revenue to live with • The City needs reserves • If
<br />a tax measure -I want to make sure these funds are earmarked for police, community development, fire, etc. • However, if earmarked it may be questionable and the tax measure may not
<br />pass • I would like an oversight committee on how the “new” funds are spent • If the City is willing to cut back on spending, then citizens are more willing to support a tax measure
<br />– the City needs to show good faith • Due to foreclosures in San Leandro, the City may not get too much from property taxes • Need to make sure any “new” sales tax revenue covers the
<br />difference – make sure to ask for what is needed • As a group, reach consensus on what the cuts should be i.e. 5%, 10%, other? • Should find new revenue as a group, i.e. library grants
<br />• Instead of cutting “bodies”, cut salaries instead and once the economy comes back, those same people would have their salaries reinstated; important to keep people working • Focus
<br />on higher paid positions for potential salary cuts • Identify what money can come out of the budget, or what can be cut back; $4 million new revenue with $4 million cuts, and some money
<br />going to reserves Services • Patrol services and first responders are most important to the group based on the survey results • Emergency fire services is important to the group • Everyone
<br />seems to agree with what services are important (Police, Fire, Public Works, Business Development and Community Development)
<br />
<br />APPENDIX C INDIVIDUAL COMMENTS 2 of 2 Services (continued) • I suggest the City look into using an efficiency expert • Quantify what the cuts mean to the community in real terms, e.g.
<br />the loss of one ladder truck • I like the “across the board” sharing of cuts in departments and services • How can we keep experienced staff if cuts are made? General Opinions • Offer
<br />leadership – the City is in trouble and needs both short-term and long-term plans • Need to deal with short-term needs now -this is an “emergency” situation • Over the last three years
<br />there is no long term plan, so this should be addressed • Gravely concerned about the fate of the City and the budget; needs immediate attention • Some issues the City does not have
<br />control over, i.e. the State takeaways • Give the collective body guidance; time is of the essence • I want a prosperous city • I want a long-term view; I don’t want our city to be like
<br />Vallejo • Atmosphere in City has vastly improved for the welfare of the community, i.e. schools, gangs moving out • Group has made recommendations and priorities; it is the City Council’s
<br />responsibility to act on these recommendations Survey 2 Individual Responses • Are you getting your money’s worth for your tax money? -8 responded, “Yes, I am getting my money’s worth”;
<br />2 responded, “No, I am not getting my money’s worth”; and 2 responded, “Do not know” • City services versus taxes, what is your view? -6 responded, “Increase services and raise taxes”;
<br />5 responded “Keep services and taxes where they are”; 1 responded “Decrease services and taxes” • What services should be decreased? (individual responses) -Use of consultants, pensions,
<br />benefits, salaries, consideration of loans to outside entities, during bad economy-library & recreation • What services should be increased? -Business development, public outreach, infrastructure,
<br />City maintenance, and police.
<br />
<br />