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Affordable Housing Trust Fund Report 2 February 16, 2010 <br />FY2008-09 <br />Monies deposited in the Fund must be used to increase and improve the supply of housing <br />affordable to moderate-, low-, and very low: income households in the City. Monies may also <br />be used to cover reasonable administrative or related expenses associated with the <br />administration of this Ordinance. <br />Fund monies shall be used in accordance with the City's Housing Element, Redevelopment <br />Implementation Plan, Consolidated Plan or subsequent plan adopted by the City Council to <br />construct or convert to affordable housing or assist other governmental entities, private <br />organizations or individuals to do so. Permissible uses include, but are not limited to, <br />assistance to nonprofit affordable housing developers, grants, and pre-development loan <br />funds. The Fund maybe used for the benefit of both rental and owner-occupied housing. The <br />Fund may also be used to administer the City's housing monitoring program to assure long- <br />term compliance with all affordable housing agreements. <br />From FY2004-OS through FY2006-07, the Fund's revenue balance as of June 30, 2007 was <br />$674,047.40. In FY2007-08, the Fund expended $637,000.00 to assist Eden Housing in the <br />acquisition of land for the Estabrook Senior Housing Project, leaving a balance of $47,505.40 <br />as of June 30, 2008. As of June 30, 2009, the Fund's balance was $61,164.40. <br />The Estabrook Place affordable senior rental housing development is currently under <br />construction, and the construction end date is estimated to be in May 2010. Estabrook Place <br />will eventually have 51 below-market rate units, 50 of which will serve very low-income <br />seniors while one unit will be for an on-site manager. No other affordable units have been <br />built or rehabilitated with the Fund's monies since the inception of the Fund. <br />Under the City's Zoning Code Section 6-3028 and California Government Code Section <br />66006(b), the Community Development Director shall provide an annual report to the City <br />Council on the status of activities undertaken with the City's Affordable Housing Trust Fund. <br />This report evaluates the efficiency of this Ordinance in mitigating the City's shortage of <br />affordable housing and recommends any changes to this Ordinance necessary to carry out its <br />purposes, including any adjustments to the number of units to be required. <br />Additionally, the City is required to have the City Council review this annual report and make <br />it available to the public after public notice has been given. This report shall include a <br />statement of income, expenses, disbursements and other uses of the Fund. This report should <br />also state the number and type of inclusionary units constructed or assisted during the year of <br />the report and the amount of such assistance. <br />To date, the Ordinance and its fees have helped the City implement its Consolidated Plan and <br />Housing Element goals of providing affordable rental housing for alower-income segment of <br />the population through the acquisition/development of Estabrook Place. Public comments <br />received for the current draft Housing Element Update for 2007-14 indicate that it may be <br />desirable to amend the Ordinance to ensure it can effectively adapt to the housing market as <br />outlined in Action 53.04-B: Revisions to Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance (see Applicable <br />General Plan below). City staff shall continue to assess these public comments and plan to <br />review feasible amendment options with Council around the summer of 2010. <br />