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course is situated on 40 acres, and in general 23 acres is adequate for a nine hole <br />course. John Harbottle, renowned golf course architect and original designer of the <br />course, has been working on reconfiguration options for the executive course which <br />would allow additional development while retaining a quality course, open space and <br />protection of the Monarch butterflies. <br />The Committee expressed concern regarding the reconfiguration of the executive golf course <br />and its impact on open space, the butterflies as well as the amount of housing. Manager <br />Battenberg clarified that these matters were being taken into consideration. The Committee <br />recommended that David Sams, contract golf course manager, be included in discussions for <br />his expertise in golf course amenities and Manager Battenberg reported that Dave Sams is the <br />City's main contact with AGC and the golf course architect. <br />Manager Battenberg stated that Cal-Coast will continue to work with the Shoreline CAC, <br />BCDC, AGC and other interested parties in order to develop a comprehensive plan(s) for the <br />area. <br />Vice-Mayor Starosciak stated that it appears that the October pause has opened more issues <br />and that more time will be needed to resolve them. She applauded the efforts to date. <br />The Committee asked that greater analysis on traffic impacts be taken especially with the <br />higher intensity of uses that will be considered in the new master plan. Three intersections <br />must be thoroughly studied - Marina/Merced, Marina/Aurora, and Fairway/Aurora. Manager <br />Battenberg affirmed that there will be more traffic analysis. Director Udemezue added that <br />greater queue analysis at intersections will be performed. <br />1. Update on Dredging <br />Director Udemezue reported that dredging was completed in December 2009 and 90,000 cubic <br />yards of dredged material was removed. He stated that the material needs to decant and <br />transportation and disposal of the material is scheduled for summer of 2011; it will have a cost <br />of $1.8 million. <br />The Committee asked if the Army Corp dredged around the fueling area. Director Udemezue <br />replied that the contractor considered removing some of the siltation however the dredging <br />permit did not cover that area thus dredging was not done near the fueling station. <br />Director Bakaldin stated that the plan in the future is to remove the fueling station, however the <br />costs of removal are prohibitive; as long as the fueling area is not failing it will continue to <br />operate. <br />To meet the objective of the City to maintain a small boat facility, dredging would be <br />scheduled every four years. The estimated amount of material that would be dredged every <br />four years would be approximately 40,000 cubic yards. <br />2. Update on the Iron Ranger Boat Launch Fee Program <br />Manager Pollart gave an update that the boat launch fee implemented in July 2009. The City <br />expects to receive $12,500 by the end of the fiscal year, slightly more than the $10,000 revenue <br />