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Temporary Parking Lots -Accepting the work 2 March 1, 2010 <br />included asphalt concrete (AC) paving, signing, striping, parking lot lighting, fencing, and <br />limited landscaping. <br />Construction and punch list work was completed by Galedrige Construction, Inc. on February <br />19, 2010. There were five major change orders on this project that included unforeseen <br />conditions such as buried wells, utility company requirement changes and a request from <br />Caltrans to reduce permitted lane closure times. <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />• On July 20, 2009, by Resolution No. 2009-110, the City Council approved plans and <br />specifications and called for bids <br />• On September 8, 2009, by Resolution No. 2009-122, the City Council awarded the contract <br />to Galedrige Construction <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />6.07 Parking. Ensure that parking for downtown businesses remains convenient. <br />Environmental Review <br />This project is Categorically Exempt. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />The Office of Business Development has been in contact with tenants of the office buildings on <br />Callan Avenue as well as downtown business owners regarding the temporary parking lots. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />The total cost of the project was $310,000.00. The cost of the construction contract was as <br />follows: <br />Original Contract $155,638.00 <br />Contract Change Orders $124,560.27 <br />Total Contract Amount $280,198.27 <br />Budget Authority <br />• The parking lot at 1550 East 14~` Street was funded from the existing appropriation in the <br />Estudillo/Callan 2008 Parking Garage account, Account No. 962-86-067, which was <br />allocated as part of the FY 2008-09 budget and was transferred into the Albertson's <br />Replacement Parking account, Account No. 962-86-070 <br />