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Souza asked about the cost to ride the system. Jim Cunrodi of AC Transit stated that the <br />BRT would cost the same as using AC Transit busses. Mayor Santos stated that it will be <br />a challenge to convince the citizens and business owners along East 14I' Street. Keith <br />responded that eventually the City will reach capacity as to the number of cars travelling <br />East 14th Street and that a solution will be needed for moving people down the East 14 <br />corridor; however we are not there yet. Councilmember Souza asked if there are any <br />additional costs to secure the BRT system. Jim stated that the BRT stations have safety <br />lighting and cameras. Enforcement will be carried out by ticketing agents and the <br />Alameda County Sheriff's Department. <br />Mayor Santos stated that he is not ready to make a recommendation to the full Council <br />regarding the BRT project. He still has questions about where the City of Berkeley and <br />the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency stand on this project. Mayor <br />Santos would also like to see a study of BRT from San Leandro BART to Bayfair. <br />3. Committee Member Comments <br />Councilmember Souza inquired about the status of the proposed freezer facility. <br />Kathleen Livermore stated that funding is still being pursued. Councilmember Souza <br />also stated that she supports using Park Development Funds to furnish the Senior Center. <br />4. Adjourn <br />The meeting adjourned at 5:18 p.m. <br />