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2. Update on Major General Fund Revenues (2009-10) <br />Interim Finance Director Carter provided the Committee with an update of the major revenue <br />accounts for the General Fund at mid-year (July through December 2009). The mid-year review <br />will also assist staff in projected revenues and expenditures for the current fiscal year. Carter <br />stated that the continued decline in tax revenue (Sales, Property, Utility, Real Property Transfer) <br />has created an additional revenue shortfall of approximately $2.0 million. Carter also provided <br />sales tax information for surrounding cities and how the City of San Leandro compares. <br />Carter stated that in addition the Golden Handshake that was offered, the possibility of a one day <br />per month furlough may be implemented, resulting in a projected savings of approximately <br />$400,000. Staff has also reduced costs in Services and Supplies and the Fire Services Contract. <br />Carter stated that Department Heads have been instructed to review their General Fund budgets <br />to see what additional savings can be obtained. <br />Community Development Director Sims as well as Business Development Administrative <br />Analyst Kay informed the Committee, at Mayor Santos' request, on the Redevelopment <br />Agency's project areas (West San Leandro, Joint Project, and Bayfair) and the respective <br />outstanding balances. <br />3. Discussion Regarding Mid-Year Budget Adjustments for Fiscal Year 2009-10 <br />Interim Finance Director Carter provided a summary and explanation of the mid-year <br />adjustments to the General Fund for the fiscal year 2009-10 budget in the amount of $330,622. <br />The mid-year amendments reflect activities previously approved by Council, e.g. grant revenue <br />as well as any Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) that may have been previous approved by <br />Council but not appropriated. There were schedules provided. Schedule A provided an overall <br />summary of all Funds and Schedule B provided a more detailed account of the Funds. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />Committee recommended taking to Council for approval. <br />4. Public Comments <br />Bob Leigh asked for clarification of an expense shown on Schedule A of the mid-year budget <br />review. Carter stated it was for the lease of the new fire apparatus. <br />Stephen Cassidy commented on the deficit of the City and stated that the City may be falling into <br />bankruptcy. He also commented on the salary of the Mayor and called for consideration of a cut <br />in pay. <br />2 <br />