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6. Applicant shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from the Engineering and Transportation <br />Department and pay encroachment permit fees for work within the public right-of--way <br />prior to the issuance of building permits for the project. <br />7. Applicant shall obtain a Grading Permit from the Engineering and Transportation <br />Department and pay associated fees prior to obtaining a Building Permit. Applicant shall <br />submit Erosion Control plans and plans that detail the .post construction storm water <br />treatment measures. Applicant shall implement all applicable items listed in the model list <br />of source control measures, published by the Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program. <br />8. Applicant shall file a Notice of Intent and Storm Water Pollution Control Plan with the State <br />Water Quality Control Board and shall comply with all requirements of the board prior to <br />issuance of a Grading Permit by the City. <br />9. If the design of any site improvement requires encroachments onto neighboring properties <br />during construction, Applicant shall submit written agreements with that property owner to <br />the City Engineer, for review and approval, prior to approval of the building permit. <br />10. Applicant shall pay design review fees, permit fees, inspection fees, sewer connection fees, <br />and any other fees charged by the City or other reviewing agencies for the review, <br />approval, permitting and inspection of the public and private improvements. <br />11. Applicant shall pay park improvement fees, construct park improvements, or a combination <br />of both. The park improvement fee for the proposed 100 unit building on lot 2 is $174,442. <br />This fee will be reduced by the value of public park improvements constructed by the <br />applicant. This fee is due when the building permit is issued. Fees for buildings on the <br />other lots will be determined when permits are issued for those lots. <br />12. Applicant shall either dedicate parkland, pay park in lieu fees, or a combination of both as <br />required by the San Leandro Municipal Code. The park in lieu fee for the proposed 100 <br />unit building on lot 2 is $1,036,813. This fee will be reduced by the ratio of supplied park <br />area to required park area (33,872 sf per Municipal Code). The supplied park area shall be <br />credited as follows: 100% of area that is public open space, 50% of area that is private open <br />space with usage intensity similar to public parks, 25% of area that is private open space <br />with usage intensity less than public parks. This fee is due when the building permit is <br />issued. Fees for buildings and credit for open space on the other lots will be determined <br />when permits are issued for those lots. The value of improvements made to public and <br />private recreational areas will be credited against the park in lieu fee. <br />13. Applicant shall pay the Development Fee for Street Improvements (DFSI) prior to issuance <br />of a building permit. The standard DFSI is $1,106.43/unit for multi-unit development; <br />however, this project is located within 1/4 mile of a BART station and it provides no more <br />than one (1) parking space per unit. Per the downtown TOD EIR this type of development <br />generates 60% of the traffic created by a traditional multi-unit project so the fee is reduced <br />by 40% to $663.86/unit for the proposed 100 unit building on lot 2. This fee is due when <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />