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Reso 2010-023
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2010-023
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Last modified
3/3/2010 12:25:26 PM
Creation date
3/2/2010 4:31:28 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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8I Consent 2010 0301
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2010\Packet 2010 0301
Inst 2010 Agmt CIPP
\City Clerk\City Council\Recorded Documents\2010
Inst 2010 Easement CIPP Lot 1
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Inst 2010 Easement CIPP Lot 2
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24. Applicant shall either construct all improvements as described herein, or provide security <br />and enter into a subdivision improvement agreement with the City specifying the time of <br />construction of all improvements, or enter into a cooperative improvement agreement with <br />the City specifying which party will construct the improvements and the time of <br />performance. <br />25. Applicant shall .enter into an agreement as described in item 24 or construct the following <br />work prior to issuance of building permits: move all existing utilities from the easement <br />(that bisects the project) to be abandoned to the easement to be created. This work shall <br />include installation of any manholes, inlets, pull boxes, and tie in work required to provide <br />a complete, functioning utility. The replacement sanitary sewer shall be designed with due <br />consideration of all existing deficiencies, including those listed in the 1993 Sanitary Sewer <br />System Capability Study and Master Plan by Montgomery Watson. <br />26. Applicant shall enter into an agreement as described in item 24 or construct the following <br />work prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy: mitigate the project impacts on the <br />intersection of Parrott Street and San Leandro Boulevard by installing a traffic signal at the <br />intersection. Applicant's fair share of the costs shall be determined by a traffic study. <br />Costs in excess of their fair share may be used as a credit toward DFSI fees for the building <br />on lot 2. DEFERRED <br />27. Applicant shall enter into an agreement as described in item 24 or construct the following <br />work prior to prior to acceptance of the final map: convert the existing utilities from <br />overhead to underground along the entire frontage of all parcels included in the map. <br />DEFERRED ALONG LOT 3 <br />28. Applicant shall enter into an agreement as described in item 24 or construct the following <br />work prior to vacation of the street: relocate all utilities from the portion of Martinez Street <br />to be vacated to the portion of Martinez Street to remain a public street. DEFERRED <br />29. Applicant shall enter into an agreement as described in item 24 or construct the following <br />work prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy: remove any unused driveways or <br />damaged driveways, sidewalk, and curb and gutter along the full property frontage and <br />construct new City standard driveway, sidewalk, curb and gutter in place of the removed <br />items. DEFERRED ALONG LOT 3 <br />30. Applicant shall enter into an agreement as described in item 24 or construct the following <br />work prior to prior to acceptance of the final map: improvements on Martinez Street, West <br />Estudillo Street, and the pedestrian paseo as shown on the plans submitted with the <br />application or to the extent required by the City Engineer. DEFERRED ALONG LOT 3 <br />31. Applicant shall maintain landscaping on all lots unless they are under construction, being <br />used for construction staging, or covered by existing vegetation. <br />32. Applicant shall comply with the following high standards for sanitation during construction <br />of improvements: Garbage cans, construction dumpsters, and debris piles shall be removed <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />
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