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within which the construction yard may be used or within which supplies, materials, <br />equipment or vehicles may be stored or kept thereon if City determines that the granting <br />of such extension will not be detrimental to the public welfare. No extension will be made <br />except on the basis of a written application made by Owner to the City Engineer stating <br />fully the grounds and facts relied upon for such extension. <br />14. Rights-of--Way Free From Obstruction. Owner agrees to keep and maintain all <br />areas within the improved or partially improved public streets or public rights-of-way <br />contiguous and adjacent to and within the Property, including streets being constructed <br />and/or improved pursuant to this Agreement, free and clear of all building materials, dirt, <br />mud, sand, gravel, rocks, bricks, stones, shingles, roofing material, lumber, tool sheds, <br />construction buildings and other similar items at all times during the improvement and <br />construction of the Improvements and all buildings and other structures on such Property <br />15. Miscellaneous. <br />15.1 Assignment. This Agreement shall not be assigned by Owner without the <br />written consent of City, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Without releasing <br />Owner of its obligations under this Agreement: (i) City agrees to permit Alameda <br />Housing Associates, L.P., a California limited partnership (which entity intends to <br />develop Lot 2 of the Property pursuant to a ground lease to be executed by and <br />between such entity and Owner) to perform Owner's obligations under this Agreement <br />in connection with Lot 2 as if performed by Owner, including, without limitation, the <br />provision of security required pursuant to Section 5; and (ii) without releasing Owner of <br />its obligations pursuant to Section 8.2, City agrees to permit Westlake Infrastructure, <br />LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (which entity is an affiliate of Owner) to <br />perform Owner's obligations under this Agreement in connection with Lot 1 and Lot 2 <br />as if performed by Owner, including, without limitation, the provision of security required <br />pursuant to Section 5. <br />15.2 Owner Not an Agent. Neither Owner nor any of Owner's agents or <br />contractors are or shall be considered to be agents of City in connection with the <br />performance of Owner's obligations under this Agreement. <br />15.3 Attorneys' Fees. The prevailing party in any action to enforce or interpret <br />this Agreement shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees and court <br />costs. If City is the prevailing party, City shall also be entitled to recover its attorneys' <br />fees and costs in any action against Owner's surety on the bonds provided pursuant to <br />Section 5. <br />15.4 Notices. All notices herein required shall be in writing, and delivered in <br />person or sent by registered mail, postage prepaid. <br />Notices to City shall be addressed as follows: <br />1328680-7 1 4 <br />