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State of California <br />County of Alameda <br />f ~,~G/ (' ~ ~~ <br />On C/ , 20~, before me, ~~' l~ , (here insert name and title of the <br />officer), personally appeared ~p ~R,e~. r ,who proved to me on the basis of <br />satisfactory evidence to be the person(~'whose name(~is/atesubscribed to the within instrument and <br />acknowledged to me that he/sl}e>~ey executed the same in his/herfth~ authorized capacity(ir~s~, and <br />that by his/her-/t~ei~ signature(s)'6n the instrument the person , or the entity upon behalf of which the <br />person(~acted, executed the instrument. <br />I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing <br />paragraph is true and correct. <br />. ~ MARY HUSTACE FOSTER <br />m „~~~~~ NoOMMBL#1~04o98A 9 <br />WITNESS m hand fficial seal. ALAMEDACOUNTY <br />My Comm. Expires November 13, 2010 <br />Signature (Seal) <br />1331533-6 14 <br />