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8D Consent 2010 0315
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2010 0315
8D Consent 2010 0315
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3/11/2010 9:05:23 AM
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3/11/2010 9:05:22 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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lower ranked choices are potential runoff votes that may, in accordance with the <br />requirements of this chapter, become votes and subsequently credited for a continuing <br />candidate. <br />G. "Round of counting" or "round" means a step in the counting process during which votes for <br />all continuing candidates are tabulated for the purpose of determining whether a candidate <br />has achieved a majority of the votes cast for a particular office, and, absent a majority, <br />which candidate or candidates must be eliminated. <br />H. "Next ranked" means the highest ranked choice for a continuing candidate. <br />SECTION 2. GENERAL PROVISIONS. <br />A. Ranked choice voting elections for the offices of Mayor and City Councilmember shall be <br />conducted according to the procedures in this ordinance. <br />B. Ranked choice voting shall commence with the 2010 General Municipal Election and <br />continue for all general municipal elections thereafter unless later repealed or invalidated by <br />a subsequent federal, state or City law, statute, rule, regulation, or ordinance. <br />C. The Alameda County Registrar of Voters must agree to the request for all election services <br />that allow the City to use ranked choice voting and consolidation of the election prior to the <br />use of ranked choice voting. <br />SECTION 3. ELECTION SERVICES. The request for election services submitted to the <br />Registrar of Voters shall include all requirements and procedures enumerated in this ordinance. <br />SECTION 4. BALLOT. <br />A. The ranked choice voting ballot shall allow voters to rank at least three choices. <br />B. The ballot shall not interfere with a voter's ability to rank awrite-in candidate. <br />SECTION 5. TABULATION. The ballots shall be counted in rounds. <br />A. In the first round, every ballot shall count as a vote towards the first choice candidate. <br />B. After any round, if any candidate receives a majority of votes from the continuing ballots, <br />that candidate shall be declared the winner. <br />C. if no candidate receives a majority, the candidate receiving the fewest number of votes shall <br />be eliminated. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2010-xxx 2 <br />
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