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is a lack of authoritative guidance or consensus. All significant transactions have been <br />recognized in the financial statements in the proper period." <br />Staff is pleased to report these positive comments to the Finance Committee. <br />Difficulties Encountered in Performing the Audit: In this section the auditors report that there <br />were no difficulties encountered in performing the audit. This section speaks to the planning of <br />the audit and staff's response to auditor questions and requests. Staff is pleased to report no <br />negative findings in this area. <br />Corrected and Uncorrected Misstatements: In this section the auditors noted three <br />transactions that required correction prior to the issuance of the year end financial statements. <br />The auditors discussed these items with staff and staff agrees with the auditor's <br />recommendations. Accordingly, the items are correctly reported in the CAFR for the year ended <br />June 30, 2009. The items noted by the auditors are discussed below: <br />Cost of issuance comment. The RDA issued Tax Allocation Bonds in 2008-09. Any costs of <br />issuance must be amortized over the life of the bonds. As a practical matter this amortization <br />is made at the end of the fiscal year. Staff is aware of this requirement, but had not made the <br />adjustment prior to the preparation of the draft year end financial statements. The auditors <br />noted this and staff will ensure that all adjustments are made prior to the preparation of the <br />draft financial statements. <br />CDBG overstatement of Loans Receivable and Deferred Revenue by $368,680. This was an <br />arithmetic error in the preparation of the CAFR. Staff will perform additional review <br />procedures in the future to address this possibility. <br />RDA Low and /Moderate Housing understatement of Loans Receivable and Deferred <br />Revenue by $496,041. This comment refers to a specific type of loan which is generally <br />referred to as a "forgivable" loan. More specifically, if the borrower complies with certain <br />conditions, then the note will be forgiven. While the City maintains detailed records of all <br />such loans, they were not reported at the CAFR level, in accordance with prior guidance. In <br />reviewing the issue this year, the auditors were of the opinion that the loans and <br />accompanying deferred revenue should be reported in the year end financial statements. <br />Staff is in agreement and will report such loans and deferred revenue in the City's annual <br />CAFR. <br />Disagreements with Management: The auditor's indicated that they were pleased to note that <br />no disagreements (defined as a financial accounting, reporting or auditing matter) arose during <br />the course of the audit. Staff concurs. <br />Management Representations: The auditors noted that they had requested and obtained certain <br />representations from management, (as required by auditing standards). <br />Management Consultation with Other Independent Accountants: The auditors confirmed <br />that the City did not attempt to obtain a "second opinion" on any financial reporting issues. This <br />standard addresses an important concern which is generally referred to as "opinion shopping" <br />While rarely, if ever, seen among governmental units, it is an important part of the annual audit. <br />