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Ord 2010-003
City Clerk
City Council
Ord 2010-003
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Last modified
3/16/2010 2:13:18 PM
Creation date
3/16/2010 2:07:43 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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8C Consent 2010 0315
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2010\Packet 2010 0315
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irrespective of the number of customers affected. No monetary penalties shall be assessed for a <br />material breach if it is out of the reasonable control of the state franchise holder. <br />(e) The City shall submit one half of any penalty amounts it receives to the Digital Divide <br />Account established by California Public Utilities Code section 280.5. <br />(f) No monetary penalties shall be assessed for a material breach if it is out of the reasonable <br />control of the state franchise holder. <br />(g) The penalty amounts set out in subsection (b) of this section are based on the maximums <br />allowed under subsection (d) of California Public Utilities Code section 5900, and the City desires <br />to set the penalty amounts at the highest amount authorized by law. Accordingly, the penalty <br />amounts set out in subsection (b) of this section shall be automatically increased to reflect any <br />increases the amounts allowed under subsection (d) of California Public Utilities Code section <br />5900. <br />5-7.125 Authority to Examine and Audit Business Records. <br />The City shall ensure that it receives all franchise fee revenue to which it is entitled to at the times <br />and in the amounts specified by Public Utilities Code section 5860, and, to that end, the City <br />Manager is hereby authorized, either with or without the assistance of a duly authorized <br />representative, to examine the business records of the holder of the state franchise in accordance <br />with subdivision (i) of Public Utilities Code section 5860. <br />Section 2. Effective Date and Publication. <br />This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after adoption. The title thereof shall be published <br />once prior to adoption and a complete copy of the ordinance shall be posted on the City Council <br />Chamber bulletin board for five (5) days prior to adoption. <br />Section 3. Severability. <br />If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of the ordinance is <br />for any reason held to be unconstitutional, invalid, or ineffective by any court of competent <br />jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining portions of <br />this Ordinance or any part hereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed <br />each section of the Ordinance irrespective of the fact that one or more of them would be declared <br />unconstitutional or invalid. To this end, the provisions of the Ordinance are declared to be <br />severable. <br />ORDINANCE N0.2010-003 4 <br />
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