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For the Noise Forum, Will Fernandez has asked to be reappointed; Wafaa Aborshed has asked <br />to be considered for this appointment; and a resident of Marina Faire has asked to be <br />considered. <br />The Committee established an Ad Hoc Committee consisting of Vice Mayor Starosciak and <br />Councilmember Prola to review all of the applications and interview the candidates for the <br />Noise Forum, bringing back recommendations for the appointments to the full Committee. <br />Staff will work on setting up this process. <br />Recommendations: <br />None <br />4. Designation of Committee Members to Serve on the Noise Forum <br />As part of the City Council Outside Agency appointment process, Councilmember Prola was <br />selected to be the primary representative to the Noise Forum, and Mayor Santos to be the <br />alternate. <br />5. Discussion Regarding Possible Meeting Dates with Port Aviation Committee <br />The Port has recommended March 29, June 28, and November 29 as meeting dates with the <br />Airport Committee. These dates are agreeable with the Committee. <br />For the March 29 meeting, the Committee asked that a discussion about the Port's progress on <br />resolving the funding issue for the Insulation Program, and a report on the upcoming <br />maintenance projects on the runway instrument landing systems, be placed on the March 29 <br />agenda. <br />6. Appointment of a Committee Chair <br />The Committee selected Vice Mayor Starosciak as the Chair for another year. <br />7. Discussion Regarding Committee Meeting Dates and Times <br />Because the existing meeting dates fall on a number of furlough days for the City, the <br />Committee agreed to move the meetings to the 2"d Friday ofodd-numbered months, 9:00 a.m. <br />in the Sister Cities Gallery. <br />8. Public Comments <br />Gerd Garggraff commented on noise impacts from smaller aircraft. He also feels the measures <br />offered in the insulation program are not adequate for the noise impacts to homes on Neptune <br />Drive. <br />John Manuel commented on the insulation program and on appointments to the airport groups. <br />