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FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2010 0309
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City Council
Facilities & Transportation Committee
FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2010 0309
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4/1/2010 4:25:02 PM
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4/1/2010 4:25:00 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Committee Highlights
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_CC Agenda 2010 0405
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Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes <br />Page 2 <br />March 9, 2010 <br />o San Leandro Road Rehabilitation, Springlake Drive <br />^ A total of nine bids received; Bay Cities Paving & Grading was low <br />bidder and was awarded the job <br />o Wicks and Blue Dolphin Lift Station Rehabilitation <br />^ Bid opening scheduled for 3/10/10 <br />0 2009 Sanitary Sewer Pipeline Replacement Project <br />^ Project will be sent to Council on 3/15/10 to approve plans and specs and <br />call for bids <br />Councilmember Gregory asked about the gray netting covering the Senior Housing <br />structure at Estabrook Street and East 14~' Street that has been there for months. He <br />wanted to know why it was there and when will it be taken down. The Senior Housing is <br />not Engineering's project, however, Keith Cooke will check into it and update <br />Councilmember Gregory. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Marina Boulevard Interchange Impact Fee <br />Uche Udemezue provided a brief description about the Marina/I-880 Interchange Impact <br />Fee. Improvements will cost $27M and are needed to handle the traffic forecasted for the <br />year 2030. As it stands, there is no funding for the improvements; however. Kaiser paid <br />its fair share for the hospital and retail/housing development. We are looking to create <br />this impact fee so that other developers will pay a fair share as well. <br />Nick Thom gave a presentation describing the need for an impact fee, the development of <br />the fee, and the amount of the fee. An impact fee is needed to help fund improvements to <br />the Marina/I-880 Interchange because traffic is projected to double by year 2030. Work <br />will consist of a new bridge over the freeway; connector ramps from Marina Boulevard to <br />the freeway and traffic signals at the connector ramps. These improvements are not <br />included in the City's Master Plan of Streets and so are not covered by our existing <br />Developer Fee for Street Improvements (DFSI). <br />A traffic study was conducted to analyze the Bay Area Traffic model and determine the <br />amount of traffic over the interchange in 2030 and its origin and destination. The <br />analysis indicates that approximately 9% of the traffic in the year 2030 will be from new <br />development. The analysis also revealed that approximately 20% of the new vehicle trips <br />from new development within a certain proximity to the interchange (the zone of benefit) <br />will use the interchange. <br />A cost per vehicle trip was calculated by dividing the cost of the improvements by the <br />number of peak hour trips over the interchange. The fee for new development was set at <br />the (cost. per trip) x (number of trips generated) x (% of trips that use the interchange). <br />The fee collected from new development will be capped at 9% of the project costs <br />($2.4M), adjusted for inflation. The Marina/I-880 Interchange Impact Fee for a single <br />family home will be $585.16. <br />
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