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I. INTRODUCTION <br />The following report, prepared by Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. (KMA), addresses the fiscal <br />impacts on the City of San Leandro's General Fund to be generated by the development of <br />Phase 1' of the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center Project (Medical Center). The purpose of <br />the analysis is to: <br />1. Determine if the annual revenues to be generated by the first phase of the Medical <br />Center to the City of San Leandro will be sufficient to fund the cost of providing City <br />services to the Medical Center; <br />2. Estimate the net fiscal impacts of a potential retail development on the 25 -acre parcel <br />immediately north of the subject parcel. This parcel is also owned by Kaiser Foundation <br />Hospitals and Kaiser is considering selling the property for future retail development. <br />Impacts that have been analyzed include recurring annual impacts, one-time construction tax <br />impacts, and the loss of local property tax revenues that are currently generated by the property <br />but will be eliminated with the development of the tax exempt Medical Center. <br />For comparison purposes, KMA has also estimated the annual net General Fund revenues that <br />could potentially be generated by two alternative hypothetical "opportunity cost" development <br />scenarios for the subject property in lieu of the Medical Center. The alternative scenarios <br />consist of a 410,000 square foot retail center and a 1.2 million square foot office campus. <br />A. Description of the Proposed Kaiser Permanente Medical Center <br />Kaiser Foundation Hospitals currently owns 63 -acres acres located near interstate 880 and <br />Marina Boulevard in San Leandro. The site is bounded by the 1-880 freeway to the east, Marina <br />Boulevard to the north, Merced Street and the existing office/retail center to the west, and <br />Fairway Drive to the south. <br />Kaiser intends to develop the proposed Medical Center on the southern 38 -acres of the site <br />and sell the northern 25 -acre parcel for development as a retail center. The Medical Center is <br />being built to replace the existing aging Kaiser Permanente Hayward, which will close once the <br />San Leandro Medical Center is open. <br />A site plan of the Phase 1 development is provided as Figure 1. The Medical Center will be <br />designed to exhibit environmentally sustainable practices during both construction and <br />operation and it will provide the community with state-of-the-art inpatient and outpatient <br />The subject fiscal impact analysis addresses only Phase 1 of the proposed Medical Center. There is <br />significant uncertainty regarding the scope and timing of future phases. Once the future phase(s) are more <br />clearly defined, the fiscal impact analysis will be updated to include an assessment of the full build -out. <br />Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. Page 1 <br />\\Sf-fs1\wp\19\19096\19096.036\003-001.doc; March 2009 <br />