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11. The City has now proposed a Final version of the Housing Element for adoption, on <br />file with City Clerk's Office and incorporated as Exhibit A by this reference. <br />12. In connection with preparing the proposed Housing Element, the Department of <br />Community Development of the City of San Leandro has prepared and circulated for public <br />review an Initial Study which demonstrates that the proposed Housing Element would have no <br />significant or potentially significant environmental impacts, and a draft Negative Declaration <br />(incorporated herein by reference) was prepared and circulated for public review. <br />13. The Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on March 25, 2010 to <br />receive comments on the proposed Housing Element and the draft Negative Declaration. <br />14. No comments were received concerning the Negative Declaration during the public <br />review and comment period. <br />15. One written comment and two oral comments were received at the Planning <br />Commission hearing, and were considered by the Planning Commission in its recommendation. <br />16. Additional comments were made by the Planning Commission, and are reflected in an <br />addendum to the Draft Element. <br />17. After concluding the March 25, 2010 public hearing, the Planning Commission voted <br />to recommend to the City Council approval and adoption of the Negative Declaration, which is <br />attached hereto as Exhibit B, and incorporated by reference, and of the proposed Housing <br />Element. <br />18. On April 5, 2010, the City Council held a public hearing on the proposed Housing <br />Element and Negative Declaration as recommended by the Planning Commission, and has <br />considered a report from staff, the Negative Declaration, written and public testimony from <br />property owners, business owners, outside agencies and other affected parties. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does resolve as <br />follows: <br />A. The proposed Housing Element has been prepared in accordance with State law <br />and the State Department of Housing and Community Development guidelines. <br />B. Adoption of the proposed Housing Element is hereby found to be in the public <br />interest. <br />C. The City Council has considered the Negative Declaration prepared in connection <br />with the proposed Housing Element prior to its adoption. <br />D. The City Council does hereby approve the proposed Housing Element, attached to <br />this Resolution as Exhibit A and inclusive of the addendum presented as part of the Apri15, 2010 <br />Staff report, and adopts it as the Housing Element of the San Leandro General Plan. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2010-035 2 <br />