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Reso 2010-035
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2010-035
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Last modified
4/7/2010 11:41:00 AM
Creation date
4/7/2010 11:39:58 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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3A Public Hearing 2010 0405
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2010\Packet 2010 0405
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Changes from the 2003 Element <br />The following bulleted list highlights the key differences between the 2010 Element and the 2003 <br />Element that preceded it. <br />^ Chapter 1 has been updated to describe the current (2007-2014) RHNA allocation and the process for <br />updating the Housing Element. <br />^ Chapter 2 has been updated to include an evaluation of the 2003 Element. The 2003 Element had <br />included an evaluation of the previous Housing Element, which had not been certified by the state. <br />Chapter 3 has been updated to incorporate the best available data on each of the topics covered. <br />Because both the 2003 and 2010 elements fall during the same Census interval, the 2000 census <br />remains the baseline for most demographic and income data. The American Community Survey has <br />been cited in some instances to provide more current data. In other cases, other sources such as the <br />Department of Finance and the California Association of Realtors have been used. Virtually all of the <br />tables in Chapter 3 also appeared in the 2003 Element, but the data has been updated wherever <br />possible. <br />^ Conclusions about the data in Chapter 3 have been updated to reflect new findings. This is <br />particularly important on topics such as housing costs and the housing market, which continued to <br />evolve between 2003 and 2010. <br />^ New text sections have been added on the subprime mortgage crisis and the growing incidence of <br />foreclosures in the city and region. <br />^ Additional detail has been provided on the housing needs of extremely low income persons (earning <br />less than 30 percent of areawide median), consistent with state law. The discussion of homelessness <br />has also been updated and expanded. <br />^ The housing conditions survey used in the 2003 Element has been updated (and expanded) to reflect <br />current conditions. <br />^ The inventory and analysis of units "at risk" of reverting from subsidized to market rate has been <br />completely updated based on 2009 conditions. <br />^ Redevelopment Agency projections data has been updated to cover the 2010-2014 period. <br />^ Chapter 4 (Housing Sites) has been updated and reorganized to reflect current conditions and to better <br />respond to state requirements which seek to identify sites with the capacity for development of 30 <br />units per acre or more. Each housing site listed in the 2003 Element was visited to determine if it was <br />still available. Capacity data for each site was updated based on zoning changes and land use <br />changes. New sites were added to the inventory based on improvement to land value ratio data, site <br />visits, and recent planning studies. <br />^ The Constraints discussion in Chapter 5 has been completely updated to reflect current conditions. <br />Thus, the zoning discussion reflect changes to the zoning regulations and new zoning districts that <br />were adopted between 2003 and 2009, the design review discussion reflects new requirements that <br />were enacted after 2003, and the discussion of fees reflect current fees rather than those from eight <br />years ago. <br />Housing Element Initial Study and Negative Declaration 5 February 2010 <br />
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