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Reso 2010-035
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2010-035
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Last modified
4/7/2010 11:41:00 AM
Creation date
4/7/2010 11:39:58 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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3A Public Hearing 2010 0405
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2010\Packet 2010 0405
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^ Additional detail has been added to the Constraints discussion to comply with state law, particularly <br />SB2 (which requires cities to allow homeless shelters, transitional, and supportive housing by right in <br />at least one zoning district). The Constraints discussion also includes an extensive review of the <br />City's experience with inclusionary zoning. <br />^ The discussion of constraints has been expanded to address diminished funding resources for <br />affordable housing and to include updated information on infrastructure. It also includes updated <br />information on school capacity constraints, land and construction costs, and the "credit crisis" and <br />diminished availability of mortgage loans since 2007. <br />^ The Housing Objectives have all been updated to reflect the new RHNA figures. The targets are <br />generally higher in this element than they were in the 2003 Element, since the City's RHNA <br />increased from 870 units in 1999-2006 to 1,630 units in 2007-2014. However, the 1,630 units is <br />within the cumulative capacity provided by the General Plan and TOD Strategy. <br />^ Anew Goal has been added to promote green and sustainable neighborhoods. Policies and actions <br />under this goal reflect current initiatives to promote green building, conserve energy (and thereby <br />reduce housing costs), encourage walkable neighborhoods, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions <br />through community design. <br />^ Additional objectives have been added for extremely low income households, consistent with state <br />law. <br />^ Most of the policies in the 2003 Element have been carried forward. A few, such as the policy on <br />mitigation of school impacts (59.08) have been strengthened. <br />^ New actions have been added, including: <br />o A proposal to further refine transit oriented development plans for the Bayfair BART station <br />area <br />o A proposal to update the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance <br />o A proposal to encourage housing development on the Town Hall Square (Davis/Hays/ E. <br />14~') and former Albertsons Supermarket sites. Housing is already permitted on both of these <br />sites, but the Element more explicitly supports their development in this manner. <br />o Support for implementation of the TOD Strategy, including completion of the San Leandro <br />Crossings development <br />o Consideration of making long-term affordability requirements more flexible in order to <br />increase the supply of affordable units <br />o Participation in the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (which did not exist when the 2003 <br />Element was adopted) <br />o Updated strategies to protect at-risk units <br />o Updated strategies to continue the Rent Review Board <br />o A program to update the Condominium Conversion Ordinance <br />o Additional programs to assist extremely low income households, including the Homeless <br />Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Program <br />o A commitment to update the zoning ordinance within 12 months to comply with SB2. This <br />commitment would permit shelters with up to 25 beds in the IL zone by right, subject to <br />performance standards to be incorporated in the code. <br />o Continued participation in the Countywide "Everyone Home" Program <br />Housing Element Initial Study and Negative Declaration 6 February 2010 <br />
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