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MEETING #10 <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />(SHORELINE CAC) <br />February 17, 2010 <br />7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. <br />Marina Inn, 68 Monarch Bay Drive, San Leandro <br />MEETING NOTES <br />Committee Members: Audrey Albers, Clinton Bolden, Victor Chen, Diana Cin, Dave Clark, <br />Peggy Hynd Combs (Vice Chair), Michael Cook, John Dilsaver, Tom <br />Fitzsimons, Marilyn Fong, Alfred Frates, Babs Freitas, Rezsin Gonzalez, <br />Adrienne Granger, Jeff Houston, Rebecca Jewell, Susan Leiga, Robert <br />Leigh, Matt Maloon, Rene Mendieta, Kent Myers (Chairperson), Michael <br />Nolan, Gil Raposo, Carole Rinaldi, Victoria Robles, Caryl Ann Symons, <br />Ronnie Turner, Dan Walters. <br />Absent: Marie Chiu, Bob. Haynes, Jr., Kevin Jones, Tina. Kuang, Lee Thomas. <br />Consultants: Brad McCrea, Bay Conservation Development Commission; Ed Miller, <br />Cal-Coast Development. <br />City staff:. Public Works Director Michael Bakaldin, Senior Transportation Engineer <br />Reh-Lin Chen, Business Development Manager Cynthia Battenberg, <br />Senior Development Specialist Elmer Penaranda. <br />Public present: Dave Johnson (Chamber of Commerce), Susan McReynolds, Audrey <br />Velasquez (Marina Inn), Zac Weinberg and John Hilker (American Golf <br />Corporation), Councilmember Jim Prola, Vice-Mayor Joyce Starosciak. <br />I. Call to Order <br />Chairperson Myers called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Penaranda conducted a <br />silent roll call of the Shoreline CAC based upon the name tents that the members picked up <br />or did not pick up at the front door of the meeting room. <br />II. CAC Business <br />A. Presentation of research and analysis of the following and discussion of how <br />they impact development: <br />1. Bay Coverage-Brad McCrea, Bay Development Design Analyst, San Francisco. <br />Bay Conservation Development Commission (BCDC) <br />Mr. McCrea, gave a powerpoint presentation which provided an overview of BCDC and <br />the challenges and constraints of creating a master plan for the Shoreline Area. <br />