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ShorelineMarina Highlights 2010 0419
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Shoreline-Marina Committee
ShorelineMarina Highlights 2010 0419
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4/15/2010 11:14:40 AM
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4/15/2010 11:14:39 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Shoreline CAC <br />February 17, 2010 <br />Meeting Highlights <br />Page ~4 <br />(unnecessary) and would not be permitted. The plans must be prepared to have <br />minimal or no fill in the Bay. <br />2. Traffic-Reh-Lin Chen, City of San Leandro, Engineering and Transportation <br />Department <br />Transportation Engineer Chen gave a powerpoint presentation. which gave an overview <br />of a preliminary traffic analysis of proposed new development at the shoreline. <br />Transportation planning analysis covered trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice <br />and trip assignment. Roadway system impact analysis studied roadway handling <br />capacities, intersection capacities and operations and mitigation measures. <br />Two-way traffic access to the shoreline area via Marina Boulevard and Fairway Drive <br />was preferred versus one-way circulation. The two-way traffic scenario would amount to <br />Levels of Service (LOS) A or B on Marina and Fairway. LOS A,B, C and D are allowed. <br />Projected traffic volumes for the shoreline, considering the impact of the proposed <br />Kaiser hospital and medical center with adjoining retail development would require <br />configuration of various intersections including: Davis/Doolittle; Doolittle/Marina, and <br />Marina/Merced. The shoreline's contribution to mitigation at these intersections would <br />be approximately 1.5°!°, 13.5% and 7.5% respectively. In addition to traffic mitigation <br />costs the shoreline development would be required to pay traffic fees including <br />Development Fee for Street Improvements (DFSI) which is estimated to be $1.67 million <br />based on Discussion Plan 2 floor area and the fair share for Interstate 880/Marina <br />Interchange which is estimated to be $690.,000. The estimated total sum of fees is $2.36 <br />million. <br />Discussion, including questions and answers, .between the Shoreline CAC, Mr. Chen <br />ensued (comments from the CAC are non-italic; comments from Mr. Chen are in italic). <br />• Fairway Drive should be considered to have additional. lanes, up to four, to <br />handle additional traffic capacity to the shoreline area for the expected higher <br />intensity development. <br />• In addition to Marina Boulevard and Fairway Drive handling east-west access to <br />the shoreline area, Williams Street and Neptune Drive should also be considered <br />in handling traffic volume to the shoreline. <br />• Magnetic loops and coordinated timing at signalized intersections were strongly <br />recommended. All intersections will include synchronized systems with the <br />detection loops. It will be a new advanced system that will enhance and improve <br />capacity and through-put volume. <br />3. Compatibility with Golf Course-Cynthia Battenberg, Business Development <br />Manager <br />Manager Battenberg provided an update on discussions with American Golf Corporation <br />(ACG) regarding how the proposed project could complement/impact Monarch Bay's <br />golf operations. AGC shared their plans for the future, which given the economy and a <br />decrease in overall golf play, did not include significant investment in the golf facility. <br />
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