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Bill Lockyer Bay Trail Bridge 2 April ] 9, 2010 <br />Since 2002, the City and partner agencies have been working toward design and construction of <br />abridge across the slough north of Oyster Bay Regional Park. <br />The City's partners in the project include: <br />Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority <br />Association of Bay Area Governments <br />California State Parks <br />Coastal Conservancy <br />East Bay Regional Parks District <br />Port of Oakland <br />San Francisco Bay Trail Project <br />Funding for the project also came from: <br />Federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Funding from the <br />Metropolitan Transportation Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Program <br />Federal Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users <br />A groundbreaking event was held on July 17, 2009, and construction has progressed steadily. <br />A grand opening is being planned for Friday, May 7 at 11:30 a.m., in advance of "Bike to Work <br />Day" in the Bay Area, which is May 13. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Because of Bill Lockyer's vision and dedication to make the San Francisco Bay Trail a reality, <br />Mayor Santos is recommending the bridge, upon its completion, be named the "Bill Lockyer Bay <br />Trail Bridge." The Mayor has been in contact with Treasurer Lockyer who has agreed to accept <br />the honor. <br />San Leandro Administrative code Section 1.10.110 requires that a recommendation be made to <br />the City Council Rules and Communications Committee for the naming of a City facility. While <br />the policy speaks to traditionally naming a City facility after the death of the person to be <br />honored, the policy allows that "similar recognition may be given in the case of a living <br />prominent citizen whose accomplishments and contributions to the community clearly <br />demonstrate a commitment over and beyond what would be normally associated with the <br />performance of their work." <br />At its March 23, 2010 meeting, the Rules and Communications Committee agreed with the <br />Mayor's recommendation and directed staff to contact the partner agencies for concurrence. <br />There has been no objection from the partner agencies to name the bridge the "Bill Lockyer Bay <br />Trail Bridge." <br />If the City Council supports the recommendation, staff will work with the Engineering and <br />Transportation Department to make arrangements for appropriate signage for the bridge in <br />acknowledgement of it being named the "Bill Lockyer Bay Trail Bridge" for unveiling at the <br />grand opening event. <br />