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10A Action 2010 0419
City Clerk
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Agenda Packets
Packet 2010 0419
10A Action 2010 0419
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Last modified
4/15/2010 11:27:34 AM
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4/15/2010 11:27:34 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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_CC Agenda 2010 0419
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Reso 2010-042
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3. Provide written notice by mail of the proposed rate increases to the record owner of each <br />identified parcel upon which the increased rate is proposed for imposition. <br />4. The notice to record owners of property must contain: (1) the amount of the proposed fee <br />or charge; (2) the basis on which the proposed fee or charge was calculated; (3) the <br />reason for the fee or charge; and (4) the date, time and location of a public hearing on the <br />proposed fee or charge. <br />In addition, there is a public hearing requirement, the time, date and location of which will be in <br />the notice mailed to parcel owners. The City must conduct a public hearing on the proposed rate <br />increases at least 45 days after mailing the notice described above. The date of the hearing is <br />June 21, 2010. The hearing will be conducted in the following manner: (1) at the public hearing, <br />the City must consider all written protests against the rate increases; and (2) if a written protest <br />against the proposed rate increases is presented by a majority of owners of the identified parcels, <br />the City may not impose the rate increase. This requires a majority of all affected property <br />owners to protest the fee under the traditional "silence equals consent rule." Only one protest per <br />parcel maybe counted in determining whether a majority protest exists. <br />DISCUSSION <br />The resolution presented for City Council approval authorizes staff to mail the required notice of <br />proposed sewer and wastewater treatment rate increases and set a public hearing to receive <br />protests to the proposed rate increases. The resolution also sets the minimum 45 day protest <br />period to run from May 5, 2010 to June 21, 2010. The resolution also sets June 21, 2010, 7 p.m. <br />(or as soon thereafter) at San Leandro City Hall as the date, time and location of the public <br />hearing to receive written protests. Parcel owners upon whom the rate increases would be <br />imposed may submit their written protests by mail to the City Clerk until 5 p.m. June 21, 2010 or <br />deliver them at the public hearing. The City Council should also take public comment on the <br />proposed rate increases during the public hearing. The City Council would then close the public <br />hearing, allow the City Clerk to tally the protests, and declare whether a majority protest exists. <br />If a majority protest is presented, then the City Council cannot raise the rates until a new Prop. <br />218 notice for such rates is sent and the procedures detailed above re-done. If a majority protest <br />is not presented, then the City Council has the discretion to raise the rates up to the amounts <br />detailed in the notice. If this occurs, then staff will present for City Council approval a <br />resolution to raise the sewer/wastewater treatment rates. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />This would be the first time that the City Council has ever approved a Prop. 218 procedure for a <br />property related fee increase. <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br />On November 19, 2007 by Resolution No. 2007-143, the City Council authorized the City <br />Manager to execute a real property agreement for property required for the Water Pollution <br />Control Plant Rehabilitation Project. <br />On December 3, 2007 by Resolution No. 2007-147, the City Council approved an agreement <br />with Municipal Financial Services to provide a sewer rate study. <br />
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