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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO.2010- <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A REQUEST TO THE METROPOLITAN <br />TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (MTC) FOR THE ALLOCATION OF FISCAL YEAR <br />2010-11 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT (TDA) ARTICLE 3 PEDESTRIAN/ <br />BICYCLE PROJECT FUNDING <br />WHEREAS, Article 3 of the Transportation Development Act (TDA), Public Utilities <br />Code (PUC) Section 99200 et seq., authorizes the submission of claims to a regional <br />transportation planning agency for the funding of projects exclusively for the benefit and/or use <br />of pedestrians and bicyclists; and <br />WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), as the regional <br />transportation planning agency for the San Francisco Bay region, has adopted MTC Resolution <br />No. 875, Revised, entitled "Transportation Development Act, Article 3, Pedestrian/Bicycle <br />Projects," which delineates procedures and criteria for submission of requests for the allocation <br />of "TDA Article 3" funding; and <br />WHEREAS, MTC Resolution No. 875 Revised, requires that requests for the allocation <br />of TDA Article 3 funding be submitted as part of a single, county-wide coordinated claim from <br />each county in the San Francisco Bay region; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro desires to submit a request to the MTC for the <br />allocation of TDA Article 3 funds to support the projects described in Attachment B to this <br />resolution, which are for the exclusive benefit and/or use of pedestrians and/or bicyclists; <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of San Leandro declares it is <br />eligible to request an allocation of TDA Article 3 funds pursuant to Section 99234 of the Public <br />Utilities Code, and furthermore, be it <br />RESOLVED, that there is no pending or threatened litigation that might adversely affect <br />the project or projects described in Attachment B to this resolution, or that might impair the <br />ability of the City of San Leandro to carry out the project; and furthermore, be it <br />RESOLVED, that the City of San Leandro attests to the accuracy of and approves the <br />statements in Attachment A to this resolution; and furthermore, be it <br />RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution and its attachments, and any <br />accompanying supporting materials shall be forwarded to the congestion management agency, <br />county-wide transportation planning agency, or county association of governments, as the case <br />may be, of Alameda County for submission to MTC as part of the county-wide coordinated TDA <br />Article 3 claim. <br />