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Exact quantities and locations shall be as authorized by the Tree Supervisor of the City of <br />San Leandro or his designated representative. No payment shall be made for any work <br />performed which is not authorized. The City may elect to change quantities of trees for <br />trimming by up to 25% without change in bid amount per tree. <br />4. STANDARDS: All tree trimming is to be done in accordance with the International <br />Society of Arboriculture, Western Chapter Pruning Standards (1988), the National <br />Arborist Association Pruning Standards for Shade Trees (revised 1988), and in <br />compliance with ANSI 2133.1 (1988 Safety Standards). Specifically the quality of work <br />shall be consistent with the National Arborist Association definition of Fine Pruning <br />(Class 1). Contractor is required to have a thorough knowledge of these standards and is <br />to have copies of these standards on all sites where work is being performed. <br />In addition, in order to minimize damage to the trees, no pruning is allowed with circular <br />saws and no climbing with spikes is allowed. <br />Trees are to be raised from the sidewalk and street, thinned, trimmed back from <br />buildings and signs cleared as much as possible, long heavy limbs lightened, and as is <br />consistent with the growth stage of the tree, have all basal and inside sucker growth <br />removed as is consistent with the above standards. <br />Contractor will not be paid for any trees not trimmed consistent with these specifications. <br />If at any time, Contractor shows an inability to trim consistent with these specifications, <br />the Tree Supervisor, or said representative, will have the authority to order Contractor to <br />cease all trimming and to have the purchase order cancelled. <br />5. MOBILIZATION: Contractor selected shall have five (5) week days from notice by <br />City to provide proof of insurance, proof of Contractor's license, proof of business <br />license and such other documentation as required. <br />6. WORI~AYS: All trimming is to be completed within sixty (60) workdays from award <br />of contract. <br />7. HOURS OF OPERATION: All trimming is to be done between the hours of 7:00 a.m. <br />and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless prior approval is granted by the City Tree <br />Supervisor or his designated representative. <br />PAYMENT: Payment shall be on a per tree basis. Only trees approved for trimming by <br />the City Tree Supervisor will be paid for. No payment will be made for any tree which is <br />not trimmed as per these specifications. If the Contractor's activities damage a tree to the <br />extent where it will not recover with good form in the sole judgment of the City's Tree <br />Non-Professional Services Agreement between May 14, 2010 <br />City of San Leandro and Valley Crest Landscape Maintenance Page 2 of 3 <br />