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Measure B Paratransit Application FY 2010-11 2 May 3, 2010 <br />BACKGROUND <br />Analysis <br />Budget Deficit <br />Funded with Measure B Paratransit funds, FLEX provides transportation to seniors and disabled <br />adults. The grant allocation is based on a formula which takes into account projected sales tax <br />revenue and the City's population of disabled, 85 and over, 65-84 and SSI recipients. The grant <br />has dropped from $270,171 in 2007-08 to $210,345 in 2010-11. <br />For the last several years, staff has projected that the cost of the paratransit service would exceed <br />the Measure B grant. In 2009-10, service levels were maintained through a combination of fee <br />increases, Measure B Stabilization funds and the one-time use of Street and Road funds <br />approved by the City Council. <br />The following table summarizes the program costs. <br />Grants <br />Measure B Grant $ 210,345 <br />Minimum Service Level Grant 75,000 <br />Total Grant Funds 285,345 <br />Pro ram Costs <br />Total Program Cost Without Cuts 360,000 <br /> <br />Program Deficit Without Cuts $ - 74,973 <br />Public Input <br />In order to plan for next year, staff gathered public input through two paratransit focus group <br />meetings, the annual Paratransit survey and trip/rider analysis. <br />Proposed Service Changes <br />In order to operate the service within the grant allocation, the following service changes are <br />proposed for 2010-11: <br />1. Eliminate the Curb-to-Curb (CTC) Service for non-medical transportation: <br />• In the annual survey, riders were asked, "If we can't afford to operate both the <br />Flex shuttle and CTC, which service would you discontinue?" 72% said that they <br />would discontinue the CTC service. <br />• Elimination of the CTC service will impact less ambulatory riders who use the <br />service for non-medical transportation. Riders who are not ambulatory will be <br />eligible to use East Bay Paratransit (EBP). 23% of Flex riders are EBP certified. <br />Staff can help unregistered riders apply for the service. <br />2. Expand the Shuttle Service from 1 to 2 Buses, operating on two interconnecting routes <br />during peak hours (9 am - 3 pm, Monday -Friday): <br />