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.,._.~w. ~.....~ __ <br />TITLE 6, Chapter 4 FEES <br />§ 6.4.100 FEES. The following fees have been establrshed by the Ciry Council pursuant to various provisions of the San Leandro Municipal Code (SLMC). San Leandro Administrative Code (SLAG) or the general laws of the State of California. <br />. s . ~ .~~.,».,. ~_,.,m_~ ~ __ _ _.~...... .__.... __ „„ ~.~,e.„,„. <br />I DACcription ~~ Curcent Fc ~~ - - ~Rofe~o~~e Proposed Fees2010-2011 <br />,__.. _ a <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - Buildlnp Regulations Division <br />S Signs <br />Filing and Issuance Fee ~ ~ .586 plus fees shown below. Fees for Bryn permiu are in addition to any 587.00 pTus~~ fees s~iown below. Fees for sign perm~~ ts'~ are~n aildiiion to any required <br /> ''r. wired eledripl rmit fees erecfrical permit fees <br />.Valuation of Sian (The valuation for permit fee purposes shall be the total cost or contrad <br />;price of the sign. In the event such a cost or price is not available or does not, in the <br />opinion of the Building Offidal, fairly represent the true value of the sign, the valuation shall <br />'be based on a reasonable cost estimate established by the Building pffidal.) <br />~ ~ <br />5100 or less No Additional Charge ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ <br />More than $100 through $750 $20.75 More than 5100 through 51,000 545.00 <br />More than $750 through $1,000 {$24.95 More than 51,000 through 55,000 :545.00 for the first t1,000 plus 510.00 for each <br /> additional 51,000 or haction thereof <br />.More than $1,000 through $5,000 524.95 for the first $1,000 plus $13.30 for each additional $1,000 or More than 55,000 through 520,000 585.00 for the F-st 55,000 plus 511.00 for each <br /> <br />' fradion thereof add#Iona/51,000 or irection thereof <br />:Mare than $5,000 through $20,000 S 78.15 for the firs! $5,000 plus $10.85 for each additional $1,000 or ~ More than 520,000 ,...w.~ 5250.00 for the first 520,000 plus 510.00 for each <br /> fraction thereof .additional 51,000 or irecUon thereof <br />a~e4fta~9900 r. .~. <br />fraction-thereof <br />..«~. <br />. <br />Delete <br /> <br />Plan Check, when applipble _ <br />_ <br />80% of Sign Permit Fee <br />Eledrtc seH-contained signs, initially installed bearing Underwriters' label of approval, $25.45 ~ 525.85 <br />each <br />~ <br />Relocation or alteration of any sign eledroniplly or mechaniplly, but not induding $25.45 n 525.85 <br />replacement of tubing, transformers and such parts sutljed to failure; or shop inspedion <br />by the lop! inspedion department in lieu of a UL label (a local eledrtpl inspection <br />de rtmenl label of a royal shall be r wired each <br />Tube lighting for illumination, display or outline __ $12.50 per sign plus $2.40 for each receptacle _ 512.80 per sign plus 52.45 for each receptacle <br />Inpndescent lamps for illumination, display or outline lighting having sign receptades ~$12.50 per sign plus $0.55 for each receptade <br />, ;12.60 per sign plus SO.SB for each receptacle <br />mounted within a sheet metal racewa a roved for the e. <br />Transformers, each $16.45 518.60 <br /> <br />C:\Docuaknts antl SetanpslsperezLLOCaI Semngs\Temporary Irrtemet Files\Corse~rt.OWoolAT5DVF84M1201411 Proposetl Fees 13 <br />arzTnom <br />