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,,~~. _ re .. _ . _ .~. ._ _ _.~., _ ___ ~. ., .... <br />TITLE 6, Cha ter 4 „.~.. _. _ ®„- - FEES _._~.... __~._ _. <br />P _..,.._..,.~ __.....__ _ ___. _.,.,__. __ _._,,,._.~,.__,._...,_x_.,..~..._.w._ wv._. _ _. <br />..,.,_m_ ..._ ~_ _____~ .,,..~._.. ~,....~...~ ... __,.._.~ .:_ ~. __,x_..~ <br />§ 6.4.100: FEES. The following fees have been established by the City Council pursuant to various provisions of the San Leandro Municipal Code (SLMC), San Leandro Admmistratrve Code (SLAG) or the genera(laws of the State of California. <br />Descnption ~ C'„ went Fee IR f renre Proposed Fees 2010-2011 <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - Buliding Regulations Division <br />1PlansandSlr-JGcaiions ...._ 5~E a ~~nra,°Te~.iY,ri.-,i c~~c~rt~,~--iii,.,,;.r~~u: ~,brtPr„iccts <br />2BuildingParnit........ _ ..~.,.. _ _ ._.-. _ _. .~... _. _ ~....__..._. .,..___ .- - _,_ ___ - <br />;NOTE: FEES FOR BUILDING PERMITS AND TERMITE REPAIR WORK DO NOT INCLUDE THE STRONG MOTION (EARTHQUAKE) INSTRUMENTATION PROGRAM (S M.LP.) <br />€A. Filing and Issuance Fee $86 plus valuation fees and/or other bwlding fees as listed below = 587 plus valuation fees and/or other building fees as listed below <br />Re-filing Feefor each resubmittal, deferred submittal, and/or revision after the 1st 50% of Filing and Issuance Fee per occurrence ! This fee already exists, but is modifed to allow the application of the fee aker the 1st <br />j resubmittal for plan check on the same project. resubmittal, or upon the Znd resubmittal. <br />Minimum fee for one inspection Included in the Issue and Filing Fee <br />Building Permits requiring more than one inspection, other than for those requiring $131.00 S £513T.00 <br />- roh,m inenunfinna fnr rnmnrfinn~ fmm n n~naMinn hnvn e m m fm n/• I 3 <br /> All-Inclusive Permit: Work involving a combination of building and/or mechanical, ' One filing and issuance fee plus Items from respective fee tables <br /> electdcal and plumbing, with a value of less than $3,000: <br /> Residential Seismk Retrofit projects using "Planset A" 575.00 plus Filing and /ssurance Fee ~~ ~~ New Flat Fee /or one and two family residential sdsmM retroNts that use 'Planset A' tw the work done. This <br /> fee 15 !n addftlon to Nre "FlIing 6 Issurenee' fee and other m1scNWneous fees. <br /> Permits involving plan check, inspections, and verification per OSHPD3 125"/. of normal Bufdling Permit Fee. Plan check fee shall be New Vernlcation and documentation forpro/eets that aro subject ro 0.SHPD3 requiremerns <br /> requirements. calculated based on this increased fee. <br /> New CommerciaUlndustrial Buildings 10,000 sq. k. or more f 25Y. of standard Building Pernik Fee New this fee /s Intended ro cover the addktional Nme necessary for plan review, fnspecNOns, and vanrtwNOn <br /> o/state bu/lding code requirements. <br /> Tier 1 CertiFcation 130•/. of standard Building Pernik Fee New Fee for projects electing ro achieve voluntary "Tier 1" eerlReadon In the state building cods. This fee tr <br /> . Intended to cover the addWonal Nme necessary for plan rov/ew, lnspecNOn, and verNleaOon for mU tier <br /> levelk requirement <br /> Tier 2 Certikcation ' 135X o/standard Building Pernik Fee ~ New Fee for projects decdng to achieve voluntary "Tkx 2" earNrtpNon in the state bonding code. TAU fee U <br /> intended ro cover the additional Nme necessary /or plan review, fnspeeNOn, and verHlcaNOn for this Ner <br /> levels requirement <br /> (Note: The Building Offiraal may adjust the plan chedcing/permittee for an individual project when costs to the City are not congruent with this fee schedule.) <br />.. ~., w,,,.,~„ ~ <br />~,H2., . <br />.: <br />....... <br /> ,, <br />. <br />. <br />Total Valuation (Based on total value of all construction work, az determined by the Building <br /> Olfidal, irlcludng all finish work, roofing, electrical, plumtNng, heating, air conditionirg, elevators, <br /> fire-extinguishing systems and ~y other pemlanent equipment.) <br />y $1.00 - $500.00 Included in the Issue and Filing Fee '.51.00 - g S132.00 <br />5 '.:54,000.00 <br />I <br /> $501.00 - $2,000.00 $6.62 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof above $500.00 up to and~54,001.00- 5132.00 /or the Hrst;4,000.00 plus;13.00 for each addltfonal 51,000 w fraction thereof, ro and <br /> 'induding$2,000 '.550,000.00 lncluding550,000 <br /> $2,001.00 - $50,000.00 ' $99.00 for the first $2,000 plus $12.91 for each additional $1,000 Or i 550,001.00- 5730.00 /or the krst 550,000 plus 5g. fo for each additional;1,000 or traction thereof, to and <br /> fraction thereof to and including $50.000.00 _ <br />5100,000.00 Includi 2100,000.00 <br /> _ <br />X50,001.00 - $100,000.00 $719.00 for the first $50,000 plus $9.00 for each additional $1,000 tx f 100,001.00- ;1,105.00 for the krst 5100,000 plus S5.T0 for each addlNona151,000 w haction thereof, ro and <br /> fraction thereof, to and including 5700,400.00 °.5500,000.00 Ineludin 5500.000.00 <br /> $100,001.00 - $500,000.00 $1,170.00 for the first $100,000 plus $5.16 for each additional $1,OOu cr 5500,001.00- 53,265.00 for the first 5500,000 plus 54.90 for each addlNonal51,000 or fnctlon thereof, to arM <br /> fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.00 <br />21 000 000.00 fncludin 51000 000.00 <br /> , <br />$500,001.00 - $1.000,000.00 W$3,232.00 for the first $500,000 plus $4.84 for each additional $1,000 or x51,000,001.00 35,715.00 for the Hrst 51,000,000 plus 34.05 for each additiona/51,000 Wfraction thereof, to an <br /> `<fraction thereof to and indudin $1 000 000.00 and u Includin t1,000,000.00 <br />, $1,000,001.00 and up x$5,750.00 for the first $1,000,000 plu;.$4.00 for each additional $1,000 or Fee Deleted <br /> fraction thereof <br /> B. Termite Repair Work $86.00 plus total valuation as listed above 55200 plus total valuation as listed above <br /> $0.00 - $3,000 $131.00 <br />... ....... 5132.00 <br /> . <br />Over $3,000 ..Same as for other building permits, minimum of $131.00 <br />Same as for other building permits, minimum of 5132.00 <br />C:1DOturnems and SetNrgs\sperezLL.ocal Sedirgs\Temporary Imemet Files\CorxeM.Oulbok\TSDVF81M12010.17 Pmpose0 Fees 5 427!2010 <br />