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Marina/I-880 Traffic Impact Fee 2 May 3, 2010 <br />In approximately 2012, the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (ACCMA) plans <br />to construct an additional south bound lane on I-880 for use by high occupancy vehicles (HOV). <br />This expansion will require installation of a new bridge, or overcrossing, at Marina Boulevard. <br />The City is working with the ACCMA to have the bridge and connector ramps upgraded to <br />accommodate the projected traffic in 2030. In 2008, the cost of these upgrades was estimated at <br />$27,000,000 (design, permitting, and construction). <br />The Kaiser Permanente project at 1701 Marina Boulevard will generate significant traffic at this <br />Interchange. Specific improvements are required to address hospital-related traffic and Kaiser <br />has paid the City its estimated fair share of these costs. <br />Analysis <br />The City's Development Fee for Street Improvements (DFSI) levies a fee upon any new <br />development that will impact city traffic. However, the proposed Marina/I-880 Interchange <br />improvements are not listed in the Master Plan of City Streets and are not covered by the existing <br />DFSI fee. <br />The City cannot recover costs from additional traffic at the Interchange caused by existing <br />development or from trips that originate or terminate outside the city. Only new development <br />within the city can be required to contribute to the improvement project, and the contribution can <br />only be in proportion to their use. <br />The City has the authority to adopt administrative regulations that establish zones of benefit for <br />area-specific traffic improvements that are required to maintain the City's defined level of <br />service. The purpose of this proposed supplemental traffic impact fee is to fund improvements at <br />the Interchange that mitigate the impacts of increased traffic due to new development within a <br />zone of benefit. <br />The proposed supplemental impact fee will be implemented by amending the City of San <br />Leandro Administrative Code to include a new section, number 8.10.320. The addition specifies <br />the amount of the fee for each land use and states the fee will be collected until $2,540,271.24, <br />adjusted by the change in the San Francisco Construction Cost Index as published in the <br />periodical Engineering News Record, has been collected. The same index is used to adjust the <br />existing DFSI rates. <br />Traffic Analysis/Forecast Details <br />Traffic volumes were forecast to the year 2030 using the bay area traffic model maintained by <br />the ACCMA. An analysis of the forecast was performed by TJKM Transportation Consultants, <br />and submitted in a traffic report entitled "Traffic Impact Fee Analysis for I-880/Marina <br />Interchange Improvement". The model indicates that in 2030 there will be 14,814 daily trips <br />over the Interchange during peak hours. Apportioning the 2008 cost of the improvements to <br />each trip evenly results in a cost per daily trip of $1,823. Inflation from 2008 to 2010 has raised <br />the cost of improvements to $28,734,835 and the cost per trip to $1,940.13. <br />