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Marina Boulevard/ Interstate 880 Interchange Traffic Fee Report <br />(A report addressing the requirements of AB 1600) <br />The City of San Leandro is proposing a supplemental traffic impact fee to fund improvements at <br />the Marina Boulevard/ Interstate 880 Interchange. The improvements will expand the capacity <br />of the Interchange so that it can accommodate traffic predicted for the year 2030 with a level of <br />service of D or better. The fee will be collected from a specific impact fee area or zone of <br />benefit. <br />Marina Boulevard, an arterial street within the City of San Leandro, currently crosses over <br />Interstate 880, a multilane controlled access freeway maintained by the State of California, via a <br />4 lane bridge. There are connector ramps in each quadrant of the Interchange that allow vehicles <br />to enter and exit the interstate highway. Traffic at the Interchange is expected to nearly double <br />by the year 2030, reducing the level of service significantly unless improvements are made. <br />There are two events which initiated the fee proposal. First, the State is planning to construct an <br />additional South bound lane on Interstate 880 for use by high occupancy vehicles around the <br />year 2012. This expansion of the interstate highway will require installation of a new bridge, or <br />overcrossing, at Marina Boulevard. Replacement of the bridge should be done with <br />consideration of the future traffic demands. <br />Second, a significant development project is proposed by Kaiser Permanente at 1701 Marina <br />Boulevard. The Kaiser project will generate significant traffic and trigger a need for the upgrade <br />of the Interchange. The proposed development has caused an evaluation of the traffic demands <br />at the year 2030 and has led to the conclusion that certain improvements should be made. <br />Government Code section 66001 (AB 1600) requires certain findings to be made prior to <br />implementing a fee for development. <br />66001 (a) (1) Identify the purpose of the fee. <br />The fee is proposed to mitigate the impact of additional motor vehicle traffic at the Marina <br />Boulevard and Interstate 880 Interchange. <br />66001 (a) (2) Identify the use to which the fee is to be put. <br />The fee will be used to finance the design and construction of improvements that increase the <br />capacity of the Marina Boulevard/ Interstate 880 Interchange. Improvements will include the <br />replacement of the bridge on Marina Boulevard that crosses over Interstate 880, reconfiguration <br />of the connector ramps between Marina Boulevard and Interstate 880, and installation of related <br />lighting, signals, and equipment, possibly including intelligent transportation technology that <br />provides real time delay information. <br />