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66001 (a) (3) Determine how there is a reasonable relationship between the fee's use and the <br />type of development project on which the fee is imposed. <br />By definition, new development is construction of buildings and other improvements for use by <br />people. Residents, patrons, and employees will, on average, travel to the new development in <br />motor vehicles at rates that are published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The <br />ITE trip generation manual contains individual trip generation rates for different types of <br />development. For example, residential units are listed as generating, on average, 1.45 peak hour <br />vehicle trips each day while fast food restaurants are listed as generating 22.67 peak hour trips <br />for each 1000 sf of floor area each day. The fee is proposed to be applied to all development <br />projects within certain proximity (zone of benefit) to the Improvements, see figure 1. A traffic <br />report entitled `Traffic Impact Fee Analysis for I-880/Marina Interchange Improvement' by <br />TJKM traffic consultants (Traffic Report), attached, concludes that 20.8% of the new vehicle <br />trips generated by development within the zone of benefit will use the Marina Boulevard <br />Interstate 880 Interchange and that said traffic will reduce the level of service below acceptable <br />levels. Construction of the Improvements will increase the capacity of the roadway and return <br />the level of service to D or better. <br />66001 (a) (4) Determine how there is a reasonable relationship between the need for the public <br />facility and the type of development project on which the fee is imposed. <br />Traffic volumes were forecast to the year 2030 by using the bay area traffic model that is <br />maintained by the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (ACCMA). An analysis of <br />the forecast by TJKM traffic consultants, contained in the Traffic Report, found that 34.03% of <br />the peak hour vehicle trips over the Interchange in 2030 were generated by new development <br />within the zone of benefit. Most of those new trips were attributable to a proposed development <br />at 1701 Marina Boulevard for which a Preliminary Environmental Impact Report has been <br />prepared and mitigation measures proposed. The remaining new development trips, 8.84% of <br />the vehicle trips over the Interchange in 2030, are generated by miscellaneous new development <br />within the fee area. <br />Summary of traffic forecast for 2030 <br />Source Peak hour trips <br />over Interchan a % of total <br />2030 tri s <br />Existing traffic 7924 53.49 <br />Growth at 1701 Marina (Kaiser et <br />al) 3732 25.19 <br />Growth within impact fee area (not <br />includin 1701 Marina) 1310 8.84 <br />Growth outside of im act fee area 1848 12.48 <br />Total 14814 100 <br />