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Growth within the impact area is due to development projects that bring in either additional <br />residents or services. This growth creates 8.84% of the traffic at the Interchange in 2030 and so <br />creates a like percentage of the need for the improvements. <br />66001 (b) Determine how there is a reasonable relationship between the amount of the fee and <br />the cost of the public facility attributable to the development on which the fee is imposed. <br />The cost of the necessary Improvements is estimated at $27,000,000 (2008 dollars), and will <br />serve 14,814 vehicle trips. Dividing these two numbers produces a cost per trip of $1,822.60 <br />(rounded to $1,823.00 in the Traffic Report). New development, other than the proposed project <br />at 1701 Marina, creates 8.84% of the need for the improvements and so shall fund 8.84% or <br />$2,386,800 of the cost (2008 dollars). While new development within the impact area is <br />expected to generate 1,310 peak hour trips over the Interchange the model indicates that it will <br />also generate 6,298 total peak hour trips. 1,310/6,298 or 20.80% of the new peak hour trips will <br />use the Interchange. Each new peak hour trip shall be charged 20.80% of $1,823.00 or $379.18 <br />(2008 dollars). These costs are based upon a 2008 estimate of construction costs, since that time <br />the Construction Cost Index for San Francisco, published by Engineering News Record has <br />changed from 9133.56 in January 2008 to 9720.42 in January 2010, an increase of 6.43%. In <br />2010 dollars the cost new peak hour trip within the zone of benefit is $403.56 and the cap or total <br />amount that should be collected is $2,540,271.24. Note that all references to costs and fees in <br />the Traffic Report are in 2008 dollars. <br />New development will be classified as one of several different categories. The table below <br />summarizes the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) pass by factor, trip generation rate and <br />resultant impact fee for each category. Note that this fee is in addition to the general street <br />impact fee that is already established. <br />