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Public Hearing on the Kaiser Medical Center Project <br />pg. 4 <br />Traffic Mitigation <br />May 3, 2010 <br />Public comment and Commission discussion focused on the issue of whether the circulation plan <br />as proposed, including the mitigation measures recommended in the EIR and the staff's <br />recommended Conditions of Approval, were adequate to accommodate projected traffic levels <br />associated with development of Phase 1 of the Medical Center. Specifically, comments <br />suggested that a southbound Merced Street double left turn was needed at the hospital's new <br />main entrance road at Merced Street/Republic Avenue during Phase 1 in order to prevent <br />operational impacts and congestion along adjacent roadways and intersections. <br />Staff Recommendations <br />Staff and the City's traffic engineering consultants have reviewed all information submitted on <br />this topic, including those comments made at the April 22, 2010 Planning Commission hearing. <br />Staff does not believe that any of these comments change the analysis or conclusions presented <br />in the project's EIR, which have formed the basis of the mitigation measures and recommended <br />Conditions of Approval. <br />The EIR determined that traffic generated by Phase 1 of the Kaiser Medical Center would <br />adversely impact the Marina Boulevard/Merced Street intersection. Mitigation Measure TR -1.1 <br />requires implementation of an adaptive traffic signal system for all of the signals along the <br />Marina Boulevard corridor between Merced Street and Alvarado Street, and along the Merced <br />Street corridor between Marina Boulevard and Fairway Drive. An adaptive traffic signal system <br />is a state-of-the-art system that allows for the modification of signal cycle lengths and optimized <br />actuated signal phasing sequence and timings for the corridor based on actual real-time traffic <br />conditions. This measure was determined to be capable of reducing traffic impacts associated <br />with Phase 1 of the Medical Center to a level of less than significant. However, implementation <br />of this mitigation measure at the freeway on- and off -ramps on Marina Boulevard would require <br />approval by Caltrans. Although the City does not foresee a problem with Caltrans' acceptance of <br />these improvements, Caltrans' acceptance cannot be guaranteed. As such, impacts to the Marina <br />Boulevard/Merced Street intersection are identified as significant and unavoidable. <br />Even with the adaptive signal system in place, it is anticipated that queuing effects on Merced <br />Street at the new Republic Avenue entrance to the Medical Center could extend beyond the <br />available storage capacity of the turn lane, resulting in an operational impact during Phase 1. <br />Therefore, the staff's recommended Conditions of Approval requires Kaiser to construct a new <br />signalized driveway to the Medical Center from Marina Boulevard as part of Phase 1 (even <br />though the EIR indicates that this improvement is not required until development of a mixed-use <br />retail project). The new access driveway from Marina Boulevard would provide an additional <br />access point to the Medical Center, thus diverting a portion of project traffic and improving <br />operational characteristics at the Merced Street/Republic Avenue intersection. With these two <br />improvements (the adaptive traffic signal system and the new Marina Boulevard driveway), the <br />analysis indicates that Phase 1 traffic impacts would be reduced to a level of less than significant <br />and operational impacts would also be alleviated. <br />It is not until development of the mixed-use retail component of the project that further traffic <br />impacts to the Merced Street/Republic Avenue intersection would worsen to a level necessitating <br />a second left turn lane. The EIR recommends Mitigation Measure TR -1.3 to be implemented as <br />part of the development of any future mixed-use retail project, which requires widening the north <br />