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Public Hearing on the Kaiser Medical Center Project May 3, 2010 <br />pg. 5 <br />leg of the intersection to provide two left -turn lanes, one through lane and one shared -through - <br />right lane on the southbound approach (as well as bike lanes in both directions in accordance <br />with the San Leandro Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan). With such widening, the southbound <br />left -turn queue could be accommodated within the storage capacity of the two left turn lanes, and <br />upstream traffic operations along Merced Street would not be adversely affected. Widening <br />Merced Street to accommodate these improvements would require the acquisition of additional <br />right-of-way, particularly at the property know as the Foundry site. Acquiring this additional <br />right-of-way cannot be guaranteed due to the presence and potential impacts to existing <br />businesses and as such, with implementation of the mixed-use retail component of the project, <br />impacts to the Republic Avenue/ Merced Street intersection would be significant and <br />unavoidable. <br />Greenhouse Gas Emissions <br />Additional public comment has suggested that the topic of greenhouse gas emissions as <br />presented in the EIR has not been fully analyzed and addressed. Specifically, comments have <br />suggested that the greenhouse gas mitigation measures are not specific enough, that additional <br />measures are feasible, and that elements of these recommended mitigation measures are <br />improperly deferred to a later date. <br />Staff Recommendations <br />Staff has reviewed these comments and believes that the analysis of greenhouse gas emissions as <br />presented in the EIR is complete, comprehensive and thorough. The analysis of greenhouse gas <br />emissions has been prepared using the computer tools and methodology as recommended by the <br />Bay Area Air Quality Management District. A key mitigation measure identified in the EIR to <br />reduce air quality emission and greenhouse gasses is implementation of a Transportation <br />Demand Management (TDM) program designed to achieve a 10 percent to 15 percent reduction <br />in drive -alone, single occupant vehicles. Numerous specific implementation strategies are <br />outlined under this program, including establishment of a shuttle system between the Medical <br />Center and the San Leandro BART station. The effectiveness of this program is to be measured <br />and monitored using an annual survey of Medical Center employees. Additional greenhouse gas <br />emission reductions will be achieved through Kaiser's implementation of numerous "Green <br />Guidelines for Health Care" initiatives that are part of Kaiser's proposed development plans. <br />Only when a specific development proposal has been made for the mixed-use retail component <br />of the project, can the details of a greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategy be fully <br />developed for that portion of the project. As indicated in numerous places in the EIR, <br />subsequent environmental analysis will be required of any such future mixed-use retail project, <br />including a detailed greenhouse gas reduction strategy specifically tailored to that project. <br />Economic Impacts / Blight <br />Public comments have suggested the potential that approval of the General Plan amendment and <br />re -zoning of the northerly portion of the project site for mixed-use retail development might <br />negatively impact existing retail centers and may result in such severe economic impacts at <br />Bayfair Center and other existing San Leandro retail areas as to result in blight. This issue was <br />also raised as part of the public comments on the Draft EIR. <br />