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Planning Commission Special Meeting Minutes Marclt 25, 2010 <br />Agenda No. 10-03 Page 3 of 20 <br />extremely efficient in moving large numbers of people. The initial estimated headway time stands <br />at about five minutes. <br />In 2007, staff reviewed the draft EIR for BRT and recommended terminating the BRT route at the <br />downtown BART station rather than at Bayfair, and has since been working with AC Transit to <br />refine the draft and move toward design. BRT features also include level-boarding at bus stops, a <br />pay-in-advance fare collection system and dedicated (bus-only) traffic lanes. Issues of concern <br />include handling cross-town traffic and moving people to transit corridors, the impact of lost <br />parking spaces, increased congestion resulting from the use of bus-only lanes and so on. <br />Mr. Cooke described three options: <br />A) Terminating the BRT at the downtown BART station, with dedicated lanes only from the <br />San Leandro border to Georgia Street and local service completing the circuit from the <br />downtown station to the Bayfair BART station <br />B) Terminating the BRT at the Bayfair BART station, with dedicated lanes in two areas - <br />between the San Leandro border and Georgia Street and from Blossom Way to Bancroft <br />Avenue <br />C) Asking AC Transit to also study both options. <br />Staff suggests that the Planning Commission consider and recommend Options A and C for San <br />Leandro to the City Council for review at the Council's April 19, 2010 meeting. <br />Commissioner Ponder asked what route AC Transit would take from the downtown BART <br />station to Bayfair, and where the data Mr. Cooke cited originated. <br />Mr. Cooke said buses would most likely return to East 14th Street via Davis Street, although <br />potentially it could use West Juana Avenue instead, and that the data came from AC Transit. <br />Commissioner Ponder also asked what would happen if the Planning Commission <br />recommended something other than the options presented as San Leandro's LPA. <br />Mr. Cooke replied that the Commission could make whatever recommendation it wants. <br />Commissioner Fitzsimons inquired about left turns onto East 14th Street, both in dedicated and <br />mixed-flow lanes, noting that there appear to be some areas where left turns will no longer be <br />allowed. If that is the case, he also asked for confirmation that the EIR would cover those <br />impacts. <br />Mr. Cooke said yes, left turns will be more limited in dedicated lane sections, and this will be <br />addressed in the EIR. <br />Commissioner Fitzsimons asked whether ridership numbers projected under Option B mean that <br />an additional 1,800 riders would be going through San Leandro. <br />Mr. Cooke said yes, in 2025. <br />Commissioner Abero also had a question about performance comparisons. Although projected <br />numbers are provided, what are the actual numbers today -daily boardings in particular. <br />Mr. Cooke said he does not have that information on hand; Secretary Livermore indicated that <br />perhaps someone from AC Transit could respond to the question later. <br />Commissioner Reed asked what control or authority San Leandro -the City -would have to <br />preserve whatever plan is approved, because under current conditions, AC Transit can make route <br />and schedule changes regardless of what San Leandro wants. <br />Mr. Cooke said that the project could not be more than described in the EIR, but it could be less. <br />