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3A Public Hearing 2010 0517
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3A Public Hearing 2010 0517
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Planning Commission Special Meeting Minutes March 25, 2010 <br />Agenda No. 10-03 Page S of 20 <br />not yet produced solutions to those issues they could do so in the Final EIR. So San Leandro will <br />have another opportunity to weigh in again during August or September. <br />Commissioner Fitzsimons asked whether AC Transit will study Option B only if we ask for it. <br />Secretary Livermore replied that AC Transit is sure to study Option B if we ask for it, but there <br />is still a possibility they will do so even if we don't ask. <br />Mr. Cooke pointed out that in any case, AC Transit needs the feedback for funding purposes as <br />well, because the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) will have to see that all communities <br />have made input when it reviews the EIR: We are obliged to select a LPA. <br />Vice Chair Dlugosh asked, "We have to?" If we decide we want nothing and AC Transit wants <br />to go all the way to Bayfair, do we have a choice? <br />Mr. Cooke said that if San Leandro said we wanted no dedicated lanes, there would be no <br />dedicated lanes in the City of San Leandro. He explained that CalTrans also would have a say, <br />and he expects CalTrans to look to San Leandro for direction. He also said that FTA will look at <br />that as well, and make a decision about how viable BRT is. <br />Commissioner Abero expressed disappointment that the San Leandro Boulevard corridor was <br />rejected as a study alternative because "it would duplicate BART service over much of its <br />length." She said it is a "ridiculous" and "inappropriate" comment because it's a matter of four <br />blocks. The logic is neither good nor strong. <br />Commissioner Collier agreed, saying she was "totally amazed" that the idea of San Leandro <br />Boulevard was just dropped completely. <br />Mr. Cooke said that decision was made back in 2002. In terms of what was proposed for <br />development and what development already existed, East 14th Street was "just a more attractive <br />corridor," closer to the high schools and more adjacent to work centers. San Leandro Boulevard <br />isn't at that level of development yet. Walk distances for bus riders are a bit shorter for <br />effectiveness than BART, which also leaned toward the East 14th Street alternative. He said that <br />the MIS Study's "Evaluation of Alternatives Report" is accessible through AC Transit's website. <br />Commissioner Collier asked if we aren't trying to attract people to the new TOD housing being <br />developed on San Leandro Boulevard. <br />Mr. Cooke said in terms of that project, this is true, but what is currently on San Leandro <br />Boulevard versus East 14th Street, the densities are still higher on East 14th Street. <br />Commissioner Abero said in that case, if you really wanted to make a bang for your buck, you'd <br />run BRT down to the airport and go down Doolittle Drive where there is industry and people who <br />would be interested in mass transit. <br />Commissioner Ponder, observing that BRT's purpose seems to be to connect people to <br />businesses and services along the corridor, asked about how far people would be expected to go <br />on the bus. To the Fruitvale District, for example? <br />Mr. Cooke said yes, that's where the benefit would be - in the shorter-distance trips, especially <br />when it comes to attracting new riders. People decide on which system to use based on time, <br />money, walking distance and so forth. People are already moving up and down the East 14th <br />Street corridor for work and shopping. The route includes a considerable amount of senior <br />housing; the densities are good and increasing. Accordingly, it's primed to be a great place for <br />improved transit; in fact, he said the old Key System streetcars, which served the East Bay until <br />1960, is largely responsible for the development of East 14th Street. <br />Commissioner Reed inquired about BRT's extension south of San Leandro. <br />
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