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LPA for AC Transit BRT 6 May 17, 2010 <br />DISCUSSION <br />Proiect Issues <br />AC Transit indicated its preferred alternative features dedicated bus only lanes through San <br />Leandro except in the downtown area with a termination of the line at Bayfair. Since this past <br />fall, AC Transit staff worked to develop Alternatives 1 and 3 in San Leandro by addressing the <br />concerns identified in our Mayor's letter dated July 3, 2007. A review of these issues and some <br />comparisons from the original to the current proposal follows. <br />Traffic/Circulation Impacts <br />With the original design, the City expressed concern that the DEIS/EIR was underestimating the <br />potential traffic and circulation impacts within San Leandro. The new modifications require <br />reassessing these impacts. City staff have not received these revised plans and their associated <br />traffic analysis formally for our own detailed review, but based on AC Transit's presentation we <br />can make these initial observations on the comparative differences from the original plan. <br />Impacts to Side Streets. With the original design, impacts to East 14th Street side streets were <br />potentially significant. Only qualitative discussions of the impacts, such as cross street through- <br />movement restrictions and delays on cross streets were provided in the DEIS/EIR. AC Transit <br />revised its preferred plan, which moderately mitigates this issue. In the north area, this was <br />accomplished by limiting the dedicated bus lanes from the north City border to approximately <br />Georgia Way. In the south area, improvements from the original plan included increasing the <br />number of breaks in the median to match what is being proposed by the E. 14th Street median <br />plans. <br />Impacts to Intersections. The original DEIS/EIR stated on Page 3-39 under "City of San <br />Leandro" that no intersections analyzed operate worse than LOS D (i.e., LOS E and F is <br />unacceptable), however Staff believed that traffic congestion at the East 14th Street/Dutton <br />Avenue intersection under the original plan was underestimated. We know that especially long <br />vehicular queues on northbound East 14`h Street, south of Dutton Avenue, and on westbound <br />Dutton Avenue east of 14th Street, constantly occur during the afternoon peak hours. If either of <br />the original Alternatives 1 or 3, which feature dedicated bus lanes on the East 14th Street North <br />Area, are implemented, the traffic queues and congestion on the mixed-flow single northbound <br />lane would be exacerbated. AC Transit's limiting of the dedicated bus lane from the north City <br />border to Georgia Way in the north area has the potential to reduce this impact as compared to <br />the original proposal. Staff will need to evaluate the revised traffic analysis in the Final <br />Environmental Impact Study/Report (FEIS/R) to confirm the validity of this proposed solution. <br />In the south area, AC Transit's original analysis indicated that all intersections would perform <br />better than LOS E. Staff replied that although this may be true, the general reduction in the <br />performance of so many intersections makes for a poorer quality of life; an impact that is not <br />readily measurable. AC Transit has not proposed any modifications to the original plan to <br />ameliorate this issue in the south area. <br />