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LPA for AC Transit BRT 7 May 17, 2010 <br />While significant impacts to the intersection of East 14th Street and 150th Avenue, as well as East <br />14th Street and Hesperian, are identified as significant in the DEIS/EIR, no mitigation was <br />originally proposed. In the revised plan, however, AC Transit attempted to mitigate these <br />impacts by eliminating the dedicated lanes at these locations, which appears to be a plausible <br />solution; however, further study during the review of the FEIS/R is required. <br />Impacts to Street Improvement Projects. AC Transit's preferred alternatives called for dedicated <br />bus lanes that would be in conflict with two on-going major street improvement projects along <br />East 14th Street, as follows: <br />• East 14`h North Area Improvement Project: Based on the East 14`h Street North Area <br />Study, in May 2006, the City Council approved a modified street improvement plan that <br />calls for two northbound lanes and one southbound lane on East 14th Street between <br />Davis Street and Georgia Way, coupled with small median islands in several crosswalks <br />to ensure safe pedestrian crossing. As discussed earlier, AC Transit somewhat mitigated <br />this issue by limiting the length of the dedicated. bus lanes and providing additional <br />crosswalks between signalized intersection locations. <br />• East 14`h South Area Median Project: The original AC Transit plan conflicted with the <br />implementation of the Council-adopted South Area Development Strategy; an on-going <br />street median project on East 14th Street between 136th Avenue and 145th Avenue that is <br />underway. AC Transit attempted to mitigate this issue in its revised plans by modifying <br />the median location to more closely match those proposed in the South Area Median <br />Project. <br />Impacts to Pedestrians. While more pedestrian safety features were shown with the original <br />dedicated bus lane alternatives, the City noted that there will be longer walking distances at <br />several locations where crosswalks would be closed, and that fewer gaps in traffic would be <br />available for pedestrians to cross a busy single mixed-flow travel lane. Thus, continued <br />pedestrian enjoyment and safety would become more challenging, especially to those who have <br />mobility limitations. AC Transit provided additional crosswalks in its latest revision that at least <br />mitigate the longer distance issue, however the reduction of gaps in traffic will still be <br />problematic and most noticeable in the south area. <br />Parking Impacts <br />Originally, the City was concerned about the potential parking impacts within San Leandro; with <br />parking losses of approximately 175 spaces. AC Transit's revised plans reduced this impact to <br />approximately 108 spaces. Although in some locations these reductions may be bearable, there <br />are still locations where parking losses may be difficult for local businesses. <br />Land Use Impacts <br />The City is concerned about land use impacts within the study corridor through San Leandro. <br />Major infrastructural improvements that were implemented as a result of the Metropolitan <br />Transportation Commission (MTC)-funded and award-winning South Area Development <br />