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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE 1 CITY COUNCIL <br />Chapter 10 Naming/Renaming Facilities <br />(c) In the case of a request involves renaming a facility, the next of kin of the individual for <br />whom the facility is currently named (provided that the person was a local resident) <br />should be notified of the proposed change and given an opportunity for input before the <br />City Council acts upon the request. <br />X1.10.115: COUNCIL ACTION. The Council, upon report and recommendation of the <br />recommending body, shall take such action as it deems appropriate, including hearing any <br />appeals that may be presented. The Council may also refer the recommendations back to a City <br />Board or Commission for further discussion and review. <br />Legislative History: <br />Resolution No. 98-164, 12/21/1998 [§§1.10.100-1.10.115]; Resolution No. 2002-12, 01/22/2002 [§§1.10.100- <br />1.10.115] <br />Department Responsible for Revision: City Clerk Chapter 1.10 <br />01/22/2002 Page 2 <br />