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EXHIBIT A <br />CITY COUNCIL PRIORITIES -CITY MANAGER GOALS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-11 <br />The following City Council/City Manager goals reflect City Council's Fiscal Year 2010-11 goals as <br />developed at their 2010 retreat, and a review of the City Manager's goals and objectives. The City <br />Manager's goals and initiatives will be addressed in four focus areas: <br />^ Financial <br />^ Organizational development <br />^ Development and planning <br />^ Infrastructure <br />City Council/City Manager Goals <br />^ Maintain and increase the City's fiscal stability <br />^ High levels of police, fire and emergency response to the San Leandro community <br />^ Maintain and enhance the City's infrastructure <br />^ Enhanced quality of life to the citizens of San Leandro <br />^ Well-planned, high quality, sustainable, long-term development <br />^ Support quality schools for the San Leandro community <br />^ San Leandro shoreline as an accessible, self-supporting, community asset <br />5 <br />