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CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION <br />JOINT PROJECT AREA <br />REVENUES: <br />2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 <br />Actual Adjusted Proposed <br />Property tax increments $ 2,910,463 $ 3,360,728 $ 3,084,576 <br />Use of money and property 665,989 132,821 113;000 <br />Other 56,456 2,100 0 <br />Total Revenues 3,632,908 3,495,649 3,197,576 <br />EXPENDITURES: <br />Current: <br />Salaries and benefits 474,953 330,877 333,588 <br />Contractual and other services 5,969,247 18,211,359 211,670 <br />Materials and supplies 3,166 3,650 3,650 <br />Capital Outlay 6,178,397 1, 300,000 0 <br />Other Operating Costs 195,253 254,217 85,243 <br />Debt Service: <br />Principal retirement 158,518 701,058 140,416 <br />Interest and fiscal charges 232,366 194,275 128,061 <br />Total Expenditures 13,211,900 20,995,436 902,628 <br />REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENSES <br />(9,578,992) (17,499,787) 2,294,948 <br />OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) <br />Proceeds from issuance of debt <br />Operating transfers in <br />Operating transfers out <br />Total other financing sources (uses) <br />REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES <br />OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES AND OTHER <br />FINANCING SOURCES <br />27,725,655 0 0 <br />0 0 0 <br />(4,596,895) (2,664,080) (2,618,178) <br />23,128,760 (2,664,080) (2,618,178) <br />13,549,768 (20,163,867) (323,230) <br />FUND BALANCES: <br />Beginning of year <br />End of year <br />2,760,859 16,310,627 $ (3,853,240) <br />$ 16,310,627 $ (3,853,240) $ (4,176,470) <br />