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Proposed City Budget -Page 2 of 3 - June 7, 2010 <br />General Fund Operating Revenues continue to decline since the peak fiscal year 2006-07 when <br />revenues were $78.1 million. The Proposed Budget for the General Fund revenues are projected <br />to be $66.5 million, an $11.6 million decrease. The General Fund Operating Expenditures <br />continue to decrease from the peak fiscal year 2008-09 when expenditures were $78.1 million <br />and now projected to be $69.6 million in 2010-11. Fortunately, with Council guidance and City <br />staff efforts the General Fund shortfall from revenues is diminishing in the proposed 2010-11 <br />budget over the past two years. Consequently, both significant cuts to departmental expenditures <br />and one-time allocations of resources to the General Fund for 2010-11 were recommended. In <br />addition, aone-time transfer of $0.5 million from the City's Self Insurance Fund to the General <br />Fund is included in the 2010-11 proposed budget. <br />Overall, the expenditure budget proposed for 2010-11 totals $125.2 million. The City's General <br />Fund accounts for $70.0 million, the Redevelopment Agency, $15.2 million, Enterprise <br />activities, (Water Pollution Control, Environmental Services, Shoreline Fund and Storm Water <br />Fund) $12.9 million and all other activities, $27.1 million for 2010-11. <br />CITY COUNCIL AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REVIEW <br />City Council established budget goals and strategies during the January 2010 Council Retreat. <br />On March 2, 2010, the preliminary budget was presented to the Finance Committee for review <br />and direction. The City Council reviewed the preliminary budget at a work session on March 22, <br />2010 which reflected General Fund reductions across all departments. <br />On April 12, 2010, during the City Council Work Session, City Council directed staff to add <br />back funding for a ladder truck company for the second half of 2010-11. Similarly, Council <br />directed staff not to layoff any full-time staff and to include funding for the 10 positions so <br />identified through December 31, 2010. This would allow the City Council to re-evaluate at mid- <br />year whether there are sufficient revenues to continue funding for these expenditures. <br />The City Manager's Proposed Budget for 2010-11 includes the City Council directives and was <br />distributed to Council on May 27, 2010. <br />Current City Council Policy <br />• Article V of the City of San Leandro Charter requires the City Manager to submit the <br />Proposed Budget to the City Council at least thirty-five days prior to the beginning of each <br />fiscal year and for Council to adopt the Budget following a Public Hearing, by no later than <br />June 30~'. <br />Previous City Council Actions <br />• March 22, 2010 City Council held a Budget Work Session on the proposed 2010-11 budget. <br />• April 12, 2010 City Council held afollow-up Budget Work Session on the proposed 2010-11 <br />budget. <br />• May 3, 2010 City Council held a Public Hearing and approved the increases in fees and <br />charges for services by City departments for fiscal year 2010-11 and the annual CPI <br />adjustment to the City's EMS Tax, 9-1-1 Tax and the City's Business License Tax. <br />