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Estudillo Callan Parking Garage, P&S 2 June 7, 2010 <br />Analysis <br />The new structure will include 4 or 5 levels of parking providing 395 - 475 parking spaces, <br />depending on the cost of the alternatives. Exterior colors and materials will complement the <br />architecture of the Main Library. The Chamber of Commerce space is faced with a storefront <br />enclosure to improve the Estudillo Avenue view. The building is Leadership in Energy and <br />Environmental Design (LEED) registered and a Silver certification level appears achievable. <br />Overall, the garage will be an open structure to promote security and provide an inviting image <br />to parking users. The main entrance will include a generous stairway and dual elevators with <br />glass fronts, providing a vista onto the Plaza del Oro, East 14th Street/Downtown and beyond. <br />Improvements to the Plaza Del Oro will match the improvements recently completed on the west <br />side of East 14th Street. Stormwater runoff from the garage roof will be collected and conveyed <br />to provide irrigation to a Plaza Rain Garden and meet clean water requirements. An updated bus <br />shelter structure will also be provided. <br />The garage is a critical component of the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy. <br />Centralized parking that encourages downtown retail patrons to park once and walk to multiple <br />destinations to promote pedestrian activity in the downtown is desired and identified as the first <br />parking strategy in the Downtown TOD Strategy: "A reservoir of public parking allows lower <br />parking standards for commercial and residential development in the downtown area, promotes <br />walking and visibility of downtown businesses, as well as provides future flexibility to use <br />parking pricing as a Transportation Demand Management strategy". <br />The garage supports additional retail development without building additional on-site parking. It <br />makes mixed-use more feasible by providing satellite parking reservoirs next to retail <br />opportunities and is in lieu of additional surface parking that disrupts the flow of the downtown <br />area. For example, it will allow for development on the Town Hall Square and South Gateway <br />(Albertsons) sites and higher density development on Regency's site. Cities with successful <br />downtowns started with centralized parking garages (i.e., Walnut Creek, Mountain View, Palo <br />Alto, Pasadena and Santa Barbara). A parking garage provides the necessary parking to attract <br />additional retailers and restaurants to the downtown. Without sufficient parking, many <br />businesses do not consider downtown a viable location. <br />Current City Council/Redevelopment Agency Policy <br />• To promote and revitalize the downtown area <br />• Elements of this project were taken from the City Council San Leandro/BART Area <br />Revitalization Strategy, as well as the Downtown Plan and Urban Design Guidelines <br />• The San Leandro Redevelopment Agency 2004-2009 Implementation Plan includes the <br />expansion and seismic retrofit of the two-level Estudillo-Callan Parking Garage downtown <br />with a goal of providing increased parking for downtown businesses and customers <br />• TOD Strategy includes the development of centralized parking facilities that contribute to <br />pedestrian activity <br />