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Estudillo Callan Parking Garage, P&S 4 June 7, 2010 <br />Financial Analysis <br />• The estimated construction cost, including design costs, of the project is $12,418,000 and <br />$14,342,00 for the 4-story and 5-story alternatives respectively. Given recent experience <br />with construction bids coming in under projected estimates, Engineering & Transportation <br />staff believes there is a strong possibility that the total project cost will be lower than the <br />estimated construction cost. <br />• Public Works Services staff estimates the yearly increased maintenance cost at $40,000. <br />Parking revenue from the additional spaces should cover the additional maintenance costs. <br />• In July 2008, the Alameda County-City of San Leandro Redevelopment Project Area issued <br />Tax Allocation Bonds. A portion of the bond proceeds was identified for the Estudillo <br />Callan Parking Garage project. <br />• Approximately $9.55 million in funding has been identified for the project, including design <br />costs that have been incurred, through a combination of accounts 962-86-063, 962-86-067 <br />and 961-83-074. An additional $2.5 million will be available for the project when the HUD <br />Section 108 loan for the Senior Community Center which has been awarded is received. As <br />the $12.05 million in current funding available is lower than the estimated construction cost, <br />additional funds must be identified or the project will not be able to move forward. <br />• Staff will seek budget authority for the project at the time of contract award and when the <br />final cost is known. <br />Perry Carter, Interim Agency Treasurer <br />CONCLUSION <br />Staff recommends the approval of the plans and specifications and call for bids for the subject <br />project. Assuming favorable competitive bids are received, staff plans to bring a <br />recommendation to award a contract at a September City Council/Redevelopment Agency <br />meeting. <br />G:\_Admin\COUNCIL\2010\6 JUN 7\Estudillo Callan Parking Garage\Estudillo Callan Parking Garage P&S MEM.Docx <br />