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Exhibit A <br />Parcel A <br />All that land situated in the City of San Leandro, Alameda County, California, described <br />as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point at the intersection of the southwesterly production of the <br />southeasterly line of Davis Street (formerly County Road No. 5952) with the easterly <br />line of Lot 18 in Section 33, said easterly line being a portion of the westerly boundary <br />of the Rancho San Leandro and running thence south 730 30' 40" west at a distance of <br />4434.33 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 24 in Section 33; thence north 690 43' 00" <br />west a distance of 334.09 feet; thence north 730 30' 40" east a distance of 4242.10 feet <br />to a point on the southerly boundary line of Lot 14 in Section 33; thence east a distance <br />of 483.28 feet along the said southerly boundary line of Lots 14 and 15 in Section 33 to <br />the northeast corner of Lot 18 in Section 33; thence south 130 15' 00" east along the <br />said easterly line of Lot 18 in Section 33 a distance of 62.93 feet to the point of <br />beginning. All in Township 2 south, Range 3 west Mount Diablo Base and Meridian as <br />designated on "Sale Map No. 10 of Salt Marsh and Tide Lands, situate in the County of <br />Alameda, State of California" filed June 9, 1888 in the office of the County Recorder of <br />Alameda County. <br />Exception 1 <br />Excluding therefrom the following described property: <br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the southwesterly prolongation of the southeastern <br />line of Davis Street, 50 feet wide (County Road No. 5952), with the eastern line of Lot <br />18 in Section 33, Township 2 south, Range 3 west, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, <br />said eastern line being the western boundary line of the Rancho San Leandro, said point <br />of beginning being the southeastern corner of that parcel of land designated as the San <br />Leandro Rifle Range and described in San Leandro Ordinance No. 1182 N.S., adopted <br />12/29/58; thence along the southern line of said Rifle Range, south 73° 30' 40" west <br />40.00 feet; thence north 520 36' 50" east 43.76 feet, more or less, to the eastern line of <br />said Rifle Range; thence along said eastern line of the Rifle Range, south 130 15' 00" <br />east 15.63 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. <br />Exception 2 <br />Further excluding therefrom that portion of Parcel A situate west of the western line of <br />Lot 19 in Section 33, Township 2 south, Range 3 west, Mount Diablo Base and <br />Meridian. <br />