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REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUNDS <br />DESCRIPTION <br />19.3 <br />The San Leandro Redevelopment Agency was formed in 1960 to finance <br />development projects and programs to eliminate economic stagnation and physical <br />blight. The Agency's funding source is tax increment, which is a dedicated share of the <br />growth in property tax within redevelopment project areas. San Leandro has three <br />active redevelopment project areas: Plaza, West San Leandro/MacArthur Boulevard <br />and Alameda County-City of San Leandro (known as the Joint Project Area). <br />Partnering with businesses, residents and property owners, the Redevelopment Agency <br />provides the private sector with financial and technical assistance to eliminate barriers <br />to investment, thus stimulating economic growth. The Mayor and City Council serve as <br />its Board of Directors and the City Manager as its Executive Director. <br />The Office of Business Development, a division of the Community Development <br />Department, staffs the Redevelopment Agency with the assistance of Agency Counsel <br />and contract technical services, manages the Agency's development projects and <br />administers the three redevelopment plans. Other divisions of the Community <br />Development Department assist with planning and housing programs for the Agency. <br />The Engineering and Transportation Department helps implement the Agency's capital <br />projects. Staff works with the Finance Department and other City departments to <br />ensure all required state and federal reporting information is completed. <br />Business retention, attraction and expansion activities are of benefit to the three <br />redevelopment project areas because a healthy local economy is critical to building <br />strong commercial and industrial areas. Since the adoption of the Economic <br />Development Strategy in 1997, the Redevelopment Agency has identified economic <br />development as an essential ingredient in the elimination of physical and economic <br />blight. The Redevelopment Project Area Implementation Plan for 2004-2009 <br />recognizes the growing role of the Agency and specifically emphasizes business <br />development as a major objective of the Plan. For this reason, the marketing, business <br />outreach and assistance activities of the Economic Development Agency will continue <br />to be funded by the Redevelopment Agency and are included in the individual project <br />area budgets for Fiscal Year 2010-2011. <br />All three redevelopment project areas have been impacted by the mortgage banking <br />crisis and the recession. Tax increment declined by approximately 3% between FY <br />2009-10 and the prior year and is anticipated be flat in 2010-11. The revenue reductions <br />are a result of declining property sale values as well as re-assessments conducted by <br />the County Auditor's Office, particularly in the Joint Project Area. Construction financing <br />remains difficult for commercial and industrial projects, which has slowed reuse and <br />new construction efforts. However, Business Development staff continues to work <br />aggressively to maintain San Leandro's attractiveness to manufacturers and value- <br />added industries. <br />,,. . <br />+~~ ~' ", <br />k~ <br />