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Reso 2010-068
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2010-068
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6/10/2010 5:17:43 PM
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6/10/2010 5:17:41 PM
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2.28. USERRA. <br />"USERRA" means the Uniformed Services Employment And Reemployment Rights Act of <br />1994, as it may be amended from time to time. <br />2.29. Valuation Calendar Year. <br />"Valuation Calendar Year" means the calendar year immediately preceding the Participant's <br />Distribution Calendar year. <br />2.30. Valuation Date. <br />"Valuation Date" means every day that the Trustee, any transfer agent appointed by the <br />Trustee or the Employer, and any stock exchange used by such agent are open far business <br />(daily valuation). <br />ARTICLE 3. ELIGIBILITY AND PARTICIPATION <br />3.01. Eligible Emplovees; Excluded Employees. <br />All Employees of the Employer, who are not otherwise excluded from participation in the Plan <br />are eligible to participate in the Plan after completion of the eligibility requirements set forth in <br />the Eligibility Requirements section, below. This Plan excludes the following Employees <br />(even if they might otherwise satisfy the eligibility criteria specified in the Plan): <br />A. Employees who are nonresident aliens and who receive no earned income (within the <br />meaning of Code section 911(d)(2)) from the Employer that constitutes income from <br />sources within the United States {within the meaning of Code section 861(x)(3)); <br />B. Employees, other than full-time Employees as defined in the Employer's guidelines <br />(this exclusion does not apply to Employees who change from full-time to part-time <br />status with the Employer without incurring a Severance From Employment); <br />C. A worker that the Employer did not treat as an Employee but who is subsequently <br />determined to be an Employee by a local, State or federal governmental entity or by a <br />court of competent jurisdiction; and <br />D. Independent Contractors. <br />3.02. Eligibility Reauirements. <br />There are no age or service requirements under the Plan and an Employee not excluded <br />under the Eligible Employees; Excluded Employees section, above, shall be eligible to <br />participate in the Plan as described in the Commencement Of Participation section, below. <br />3.03. Commencement Of Participation. <br />Each Employee who is not otherwise excluded from the Plan shall be eligible to become a <br />Participant on the first day of the calendar month after the Employee's date of employment <br />with the Employer. <br />3.04. Participation. <br />The Administrator, using employment dates certified by the Employer, shall determine which <br />Employees are eligible to participate, and the Administrator shall furnish such information and <br />attendant data to the Trustee. The Administrator shall notify each eligible Employee of the <br />s <br />
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