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BAHBA Agreement FY 2010-11 2 June 21, 2010 <br />BAHBA was created in 2000 as a nonprofit joint powers authority whose members include <br />Contra Costa County, Alameda County, and nine cities within the two counties. BAHBA's <br />primary mission is to promote homeownership opportunities for low to moderate-income <br />households in the nine county Bay Area region. BAHBA contracts with the for-profit, First <br />Home, Inc. (FHI), which serves as BAHBA's administrative arm to manage operations and <br />contracts. BAHBA administers the homebuyer assistance programs for cities and jurisdictions <br />including the 9th Congressional District, Hayward, Antioch, Pinole, Alameda, South San <br />Francisco, and Brisbane. In addition, BAHBA is administering the below market rate ownership <br />programs for the cities of South San Francisco and Brisbane and has had experience <br />implementing similar programs for Oakland and Berkeley along with the counties of Contra <br />Costa, San Mateo, and Alameda. <br />BAHBA also has an extensive network of partners and resources to assist low and moderate <br />income homebuyers with educational information about the homebuying process and financial <br />leveraging from private and public resources such as California Housing Finance Agency <br />(Ca1HFA), Federal Home Loan Bank's WISH Program (which provides matching funds for <br />eligible low income homebuyers), Operation Hope (for credit counseling services), and lenders <br />such as Meriwest Bank, which is a nonprofit credit union. <br />Regarding the First Time Homebuyer Program, there have been 12 low interest down <br />payment/closing cost assistance loans approved and two currently reserved. The City and BAHBA <br />co-sponsored two (2) free first time homebuyer seminars in San Leandro, both of which BAHBA <br />conducted at the Marina Community Center: the first occurred in September 2009 and the second in <br />March 2010. BAHBA awarded 135 certificates of completion to households who attended either of <br />the seminars. To date as well, BAHBA has provided free one-on-one homebuyer counseling to 23 <br />low to moderate income households, all of whom were San Leandro residents and/or employed <br />in the city. <br />On June 28, BAHBA will be conducting an annual post-purchase workshop in San Leandro for <br />existing homeowners and/or loan recipients under the City's FTHB and IH/BMR Programs. The <br />intent of the post-purchase workshops is to educate these homeowners about the resale and other <br />affordability requirements under both programs and how to become stable homeowners. <br />The proposed contract with BAHBA to administer the FTHB and IH/BMR Programs in FY 2010- <br />11 is in the amount of $49,900, which is slightly higher than the amount in FY 2009-10 due to <br />increased BAHBA staff time projected for compliance monitoring and processing increased <br />refinancing activities. <br />Current Redevelopment Agency Policy <br />N/A <br />Previous Redevelopment Agency Actions <br />The City Council/Redevelopment Agency approved funds from the Housing Set Aside Fund for <br />the administration of the FTHB and IH/BMR Programs on June 7, 2010 with adoption of the City <br />budget. <br />