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• Homebuyer financing programs -public and private sector <br />• Choosing a real estate professionals and services <br />• Searching for a property <br />• Negotiating the purchase <br />• Property insurance <br />• Escrow and title procedures <br />• Closing the sale <br />• Responsibilities of homeownership (economic -including default <br />management, personal and physical) <br />• Becoming a community member and neighbor <br />Target goal for the homebuyer education seminars: Award certificates of completion to 75 <br />households for completing the FTHB homebuyer education seminars <br />C. REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS WORKSHOPS <br />Consultant will conduct one (1) workshop targeting local realtors and lenders to educate them <br />about the FTHB and IH/BMR Programs and seek their assistance in promoting these programs. <br />D. HOMEBUYER COUNSELING <br />Consultant duties include conducting free individual counseling with households meeting the <br />following eligibility criteria and providing further assistance to households who have completed a <br />FTHB educational seminar. Counseling curriculum shall include: 1) preliminary personal financial <br />resource analysis; 2) setting up a purchase plan and 3) focused education on the homebuying <br />process. Counseling sessions shall also involve promotion and implementation of the WISH <br />Program for eligible households. The WISH Program provides qualified low-income first time <br />homebuyers with matching forgivable loans from one of several participating member banks and <br />will match up to $3 for every dollar (to a maximum of $15,000) contributed by the homeowner <br />toward the purchase of the home. <br />• Musf be first time homebuyers (participants may not have owned a residential <br />property for at least the past three years) <br />• Must live or work in the City of San Leandro <br />• Must have incomes at or below 120% of Area Median Income (AMI) <br />• Must have steady employmenfand/or income <br />• Must have credit scores that are above 620 or its equivalent. All <br />individuals/households with lesser scores will be immediately referred over fo <br />the nonprofit Operation Hope for credit and debt management. <br />• Must not be overextended with their credit. All individuals/households will be <br />classified as overextended if their debt is in excess of 20% of their monthly <br />income. All individuals/households with overextended credit will be <br />immediately referred over to Operation Hope for credit and debt management <br />counseling. <br />Target goat for Homebuyer Counseling: Provide individual counseling for 25 eligible households <br />Consulting Services Agreement between July 1, 2010 <br />RDA of the City of San Leandro and BAHBA --Exhibit A Page 2 of 4 <br />