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Alameda County Congestion Management Agency <br />Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority <br />Service Sharing and Consolidation Analysis <br />EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />In January 2009, the Alameda County Transportation Improvement <br />Authority (ACTIA) and the Alameda County Congestion Management <br />Agency (CMA) initiated a study to identify service sharing and/or <br />consolidation opportunities between the two agencies. This effort was <br />undertaken to determine if critical mission responsibilities could be <br />delivered in a more streamlined and cost effective manner. <br />Like most public agencies throughout the country, the CMA and ACTIA <br />are faced with ongoing challenges in sustaining the delivery of their <br />programs and projects. The severe economic downturn has negatively <br />impacted State and local funding sources, but has also put these <br />agencies on the "front-lines," via national stimulus programs aimed at <br />spurring infrastructure spending for job creation. These factors have <br />made both performance and efficiency more critical than ever for both <br />agencies. While each agency continues to aggressively implement <br />capital projects and transportation programs, this review provided an <br />opportunity to examine whether services and functions currently <br />supported within each separate agency could be shared or integrated in a <br />way that will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of project and <br />program delivery. <br />This analysis concludes that there are in fact attractive opportunities for a <br />variety of service sharing and integration efforts. The greatest <br />opportunities for consolidation and efficiency improvement are financial <br />services, administrative services, and capital project delivery. <br />This report summarizes opportunities to reduce costs by sharing <br />administrative, financial and project management functions, create a net <br />positive impact of improved efficiency in each agency, and enable both <br />agencies to better. serve the public interest. Additionally, this report <br />describes some of the issues involved in consolidating functions or <br />agencies, and outlines options for new organizational models. A <br />preliminary timeline for implementation is included as well, should the <br />boards of each organization decide to proceed. <br />This engagement was designed as a threshold analysis, meaning that it <br />was intended as a high level examination of opportunities for service <br />sharing and/or consolidation which could be compelling enough to move <br />forward with an implementation analysis and plan. As a result of our <br />examination, Management Partners believes that it is highly probable that <br />Management Partners, Inc. <br />